Futurama is Back, Baby!

June 24th, 2010

What a glorious day! We’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time. Well, while some of you were still recovering from waiting in line outside the Apple Store, I’m enjoying new episodes of Futurama! By the way, I cancelled my iPhone 4 order that I supposed to pick up on the 24th.

Two new Futurama episodes air on Comedy Central and I am complaining that they feel too short. I want more!

Anyway, the Premiere Episode of the new season picked up where it left off in “Into The Wild Green Yonder” movie.

Despite of my disapproval of Comedy Central’s handling of South Park episode 200 and 201, I am watching Futurama.

In the meantime, you can collect Futurama DVD’s:

What are you waiting for? You know where to watch Futurama!