Nothing But Spam Emails
I was helping an elderly couple cleaning up their email account. Would you be surprised if I told you that they are still using AOL emails? Well, there were more than 4,000 spam emails in their inbox. It took me quite some time to move them all to the spam folder. Or is it called …
Burgers, Fries, and Shakes.
We were working late at the office and after a few round of discussions we agreed to get Burgers, Fries, and Shakes. Well, guess who figuratively drew the shortest straw? #NotInteresting
Oh Meatbag, Carrot Weather now has a CarPlay App
I was going to write about this a few days ago. Carrot Weather now has a CarPlay App. It is a Map with Weather; and it has turn by turn directions. It still needs a lot of work, but for meatbags like me, it is definitely amusing to use.
Homebrew –
For information on how to renew an existing AppleCare plan:
Mac Hardware Diagnostic ToolPress and hold “D” key while booting up.
macOS Software Update, command line:
softwareupdate -ia
softwareupdate -ia –include-config-data
Highlight Stack Items on Hover in Mac OS X Dock
To turn on:
defaults write mouse-over-hilite-stack -boolean yes;killall Dock
To turn off
defaults write mouse-over-hilite-stack -boolean no;killall Dock
How to fix the iCloud APLZOD.dll error in Outlook
Slipstick Systems
Microsoft Service Agreement, May 1, 2018