iLife ’09 and Mac Box Set are Arriving on Tuesday

iLife '09 Mac Box Set iWork '09

At MacWorld San Francisco 2009, Apple announced that iLife ’09 would be shipping sometimes in late January. On Monday January 26th, 2009 Apple announced that iLife ’09 would start shipping on January 27th, 2009. Some reported that Best Buy had started selling iLife ’09 on Monday January 26th.

Apple has started fulfilling pre-orders of iLife ’09 and Mac Box Set on Monday and most are arriving on Tuesday January 27th. I’m waiting for the Mac Box Set to arrive at anytime today as it is being delivered by FedEx.

Mac Box Set offers a great value for those buying both iLife ’09 and iWork ’09. It comes with the latest Mac OS X disc for an extra $10 on the retail price. Remember that most of newer Macs comes with its own Mac OS X install disc that wold only work with specific models. If you bought a Mac Pro 6 months prior and you could not find your discs, Mac Box Set is the answer.

iLife ’09, iWork ’09, and Mac Box Set are now available for purchase from Apple and many other retailers.

The usual disclaimer: We do not have any affiliate accounts with Apple Online Store, but we do have Associates account with For your convenience (and the hope of getting tiny kickbacks from Amazon) we are providing links to both Apple Online Store and (U.S. stores only – because I can’t type all stores for different countries).

Another reminder for the disclaimer

If you bought anything through Amazon link above, and I get some kickbacks.

“If you buy these fine Apple products, I can buy Canon Vixia HF10” to paraphrase the great Robert Schimmel.

All images are courtesy of Apple Inc.