Family Guy: Blue Harvest – Fox Digital Copy

As previously reported, “Family Guy: Blue Harvest” DVD-set includes a second disc that contains a “digital copy” of the feature. The “digital copy” is compatible with iTunes and Windows Media Player. The digital copy then can be played in video-playing-iPods, iPhone, and any compatible PlayForSure device.

Blue Harvest - 2 DVD Discs and the Code

Each DVD package comes with a serial number that can be used once in iTunes or Windows Media Player to decrypt the “digital copy” and apply corresponding DRM on it. For example, if you’re using Windows Media Player to access the “digital copy”, it will extract and decrypt it from the disc and apply PlayForSure DRM on it. The serial number that comes with the DVD package can only be used once for one format only; iTunes or PlayForSure compatible format.

Family Guy - Fox Digital Copy Family Guy blue Harvest iTunes 7.6 - Family Guy: Blue Harvest - Chapters

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Family Guy: Blue Harvest comes in two flavors; Regular and Special Edition. The Special Edition comes with limited edition collectibles:

  • Collector’s T-Shirt (100% cotton, Black, XL)
  • 3D Glasses
  • 12 Collector’s trading cards (in same style as original Star Wars trading cards) that form a 3D scene on the back
  • 20-page “Art of Family Guy Presents: Blue Harvest” booklet including sketches, notes and a letter from Seth MacFarlane

Blue Harvest Special Edition

Blue Harvest in Windows

Blue Harvest - Windows Media Player or iTunes

Blue Harvest DRM in Windows

Blue Harvest - iPhone

Blue Harvest - iPhone Chapters

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