Family Guy, Twentieth Century Fox, It’s A Trap and

Unlike the great Futurama team, those overpaid Family Guy team and Fox are too lazy to put anything up on those domains.

A little birdie who definitely has not been rummaging through John Jacobs’ desk sent a little tidbit about the upcoming release of Family Guy Star Wars Parody, titled: It’s A Trap!

Nothing is up yet, but the same birdie who definitely has not been going through Seth McFarlane’s MacBook Air said that Fox is planning to put something up on once the DVD is released.

It’s A Trap! is scheduled for release December 21st, 2010.


2 Replies to “Family Guy, Twentieth Century Fox, It’s A Trap and”

  1. Still nothing there. whois still the same though. They probably just registered it so nobody else would.

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