Microsoft, I Hate You!

One more reason why Microsoft’s Windows Genuine Advantage is annoying and bad.

WGA, not to be confused with Writers Guild of America or World Canadian Bureau, is simply annoying. Microsoft does not trust Windows users. In this case, Windows XP was factory pre-installed by Gateway before Windows Vista days. Microsoft Security Essentials was installed previously and passed WGA. So suddenly this meesage came up on not one but two computers. The second one was purchased from Dell with Windows XP pre-installed in March 2010.

6 Replies to “Microsoft, I Hate You!”

  1. that sucks man, why don’t you get a mac?
    lol kidding, well, to be honest, that problem has never happend to me before, i bought the new windows, called 7, and it works fine in my oppinion, but then again, this is just me, i haven’t get any virus, and of course i don’t use their anti-virus software, i rather use Norton Internet Security, is more safe.

    1. This particular has been running Windows XP pre-Vista days. There are some softwares that are not yet compatible with Windows 7. In addition to that, this computer is a single-core machine, not going to be a pleasant experience with Windows 7.

      Microsoft can take their WGA and shove it!

  2. Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) was created by Microsoft for following reasons.
    1. To curb Software Piracy.
    2. To keep a track of all the copies of WinXP / WinVista running across the Globe.
    3. To give an extra advantage to users running a genuinely purchased version of WinXP/Vista for getting additional free software that will help the system to perform better & smoothly.

    However, this one seems to have started mis-behaving just as most of other Microsoft Products do not work as soon as they are launched. They all have to under go a lot of Patches & Service Packs before they reach a maturity level… (Remember Win98 SE ..?)

    Looks like the WGA thinks that your copy of WinXP/Vista isn’t a genuine one & hence must have disabled those “additional features” like Security Essentials, which they have continued shipping along with Win7. Tough Luck man. Try re-installing Sec.Essentials. If that doesn’t work, you might have to re-install Windows. Hope this helps. !!!!
    Cheers Mate … !

  3. Nope Prime,
    I “DO NOT” work for MS. As a matter of fact, I hate MS, > U. However, being an experienced user (read: sufferer) in last 15 years, Since Win95, I thought may be I could share some of my tech-expertise with you & get you out of some technical trouble. That’s it.

    BTW, now that it has been more than a year, I believe your problem must have been resolved. What did you do to resolve it ? Do keep sharing tech know-how. It helps making world a better place. Ain’t it pal ???

    Aashish. V.

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