Up All Night Removing Malware From Windows XP.

Since the computer is needed 1 hour at 06:00 hour, I pulled an all-nighter to remove the malware from Windows XP. This malware is a vicious one. It is a memory resident malware and altered any executables ran after explorer shell was launched. It did not alter the executables and that’s why most Anti-Virus programs detected nothing at all.

I managed to remove the offending malware manually so I could get started with the process. Here I am six something hours later running final scans on the hard-drive or any traces of the malware.

So far, so good…

2 Replies to “Up All Night Removing Malware From Windows XP.”

    1. I have no idea how it got there. It is not my computer. From what I saw I’d guess that it was a trojan disguised as video codec.

      I had to resort to an unconventional method to get rid of the malware. The computer is part of an active directory with a brutal policy enforced.

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