Troubleshooting: Remote App and iTunes 8

Just  a little tip if you’re having problems with the Remote Apps on the iPhone or iPod touch.

Remote App can not play a song or media. Error message: “An unknown error occured. Please check your library and try again.”

Delete Remote-iTunes share pairing. Disable iTunes sharing, then re-enable it. Re-pair the Remote-iTunes share.

That should do the trick.

6 Replies to “Troubleshooting: Remote App and iTunes 8”

  1. I can’t get the Remote app to play more than one song at a time. It won’t play multiple songs within a playlist. I get the above message when I click the shuffle icon. I can’t find “Delete Remote-share pairing” as stated in our instructions. Help!

  2. I’m having the same issue as Gene here. My remote app won’t let me play more than one song consecutively or use the shuffle function. My wife has the same pod and it works fine on hers and her computer. Tried uninstalling, tried checking to make sure both preferences in Itunes are completely the same, tried resetting the ipod – nothing works. I too would like to know how to “delete remote share pairing” so I could try this. Any help would be great!! Thanks

  3. Figured this one out – it was that all of my songs were unchecked in itunes and therefore not authorized to play one after another. Hope you get this Gene.

  4. Craig B – you absolutely rock. I could not figure this one out until I found your post. Thank you very much.

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