Microsoft Makes People Talking About Its Ad Campaign

Microsoft has released the first ad featuring Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld. According to the software giant, the ad is only the tip of the iceberg in the attempt to salvage the company’s image due to poor Windows Vista perceptions. Microsoft’s defenders are hoping the ad would fire back at Apple for all the “Get A Mac” attack ads.

One thing everyone seems to agree, the “Shoe Circus” doesn’t make any sense at all. Microsoft assures that the ad will make sense somehow as it progresses.

One thing is definitely wrong with this campaign. It makes a bad first impression. No matter what Microsoft wil unveil next, there will always be that bitter aftertaste of this first ad.

On the other hand, this ad campaign is accidentally genius, because now the series of tubes are talking about it. They say that bad publicity is stilla publicity.

Microsoft is definitely on to something, and this time they are talking about “nothing”.

Just look for “Shoe Circus” for the ad.