On The Eve of Apple Watch Event


Sunday, March 8 marks the beginning of Daylight Savings Time in some regions of the world. Those in the Northern Hemisphere remind themselves to “Spring Forward”, setting up the clocks one hour ahead before going to bed on Saturday night.

On Monday, March 9, 2015, Apple will be holding an event aptly named “Spring Forward”; an obvious reference of Time. Apple will largely be talking about its next product, the Apple Watch.

Apple March 2015 Spring Forward

The “Spring Forward” event will be streamed live on March 9, 2015 at 10 a.m. PDT.

There are many speculations and supposed leaks about the Apple Watch announcements. Some are obvious and some are pure weapons-grade Bolognium.

John Gruber, who would be unable to attend the event, shared his thoughts (1) (2) on the Apple Watch on Daring Fireball. Well thought out and logical.

Based on off-the-records conversations with a spouse of a key Apple employee, there are a few “surprises” with regards to the “Spring Forward” event.

My own thought:

There are many reasons why I did not wear watches for years. One of them happened during my high school years. I shortly wore wristwatch in college, due to necessity. After the glass broke, I stopped wearing it. It has been quite some times.

I am interested in Apple Watch because I found several use case. I don’t want anyone to see that I am wearing any watches, let alone the Apple Watch. I might have to wear long sleeve shirts almost all the time now. Yeah, I’m going to get one, most likely the Apple Watch Sport.

All will be revealed on Monday, March 9, 2015.