Dear Netflix, what?

Netflix introduces new subscription plans and price changes.

So for instance, our current $9.99 a month membership for unlimited streaming and unlimited DVDs will be split into 2 distinct plans:

Plan 1: Unlimited Streaming (no DVDs) for $7.99 a month
Plan 2: Unlimited DVDs, 1 out at-a-time (no streaming), for $7.99 a month.

The price for getting both of these plans will be $15.98 a month ($7.99 + $7.99). For new members, these changes are effective immediately; for existing members, the new pricing will start for charges on or after September 1, 2011.

If you are currently a Netflix subscriber, check your plan and act accordingly.

I have streaming only service and I’ d have to pay another $7.99 to get the DVD by mail. I’d be completely happy to have streaming only service if there were more newer movies available.