Apple Employees: It Doesn’t Get Better on YouTube.

Apple Employees: It Gets Better is back online on YouTube. No explanations yet why it was pulled for depicting harmful activities.
YouTube possibly pulls Apple Employees: It Gets Better video over “suicide” subject.

From Apple Employees: It Gets Better page:

Apple employees share a personal message for the It Gets Better Project. If you are considering suicide or need help, call the Trevor Project now: 866-4-U-TREVOR (866-488-7386).

It Gets Better Project

Mirror site for the video:

Adobe Systems Employees – It Gets Better
John Gruber says: “Beautiful, open, honest.”

Apple Employees: It Gets Better
YouTube which is owned by Google says: “This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube’s policy on depiction of harmful activities.
Sorry about that.”

Bet YouTube has a “perfect” explanation for this.

It Gets Better: Google Employees is still up.

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