AT&T Revises Upgrade Pricing For iPhone 3G Early Adopters

AT&T announces today that iPhone 3G early adopters will get the $199 and $299 pricing for iPhone 3G S starting June 18th, 2009. In an open letter and YouTube Video, AT&T explains the change in the upgrade policy.

AT&T was flooded with complaints from iPhone 3G early adopters for their upgrade policy. The iPhone 3G was originally released on July 11th, 2008and early adopters are only 23 days away from fulfilling their first 12 months of their 2-year contract. According to AT&T, iPhone customers who spend more than $99 a month per line generally are eligible for an upgrade between 12 and 18 months into their contract.

AT&T iPhone 3G S Upgrade Eligibility Announcement

All of that said, we’ve been listening to our customers. And since many of our iPhone 3G customers are early adopters and literally weeks shy of being upgrade eligible due to iPhone 3G S launching 11 months after iPhone 3G, we’re extending the window of upgrade eligibility for a limited time.

“We’re now pleased to offer our iPhone 3G customers who are upgrade eligible in July, August or September 2009 our best upgrade pricing, beginning Thursday, June 18.”

AT&T could have handled this matter better earlier. For example, most day-one iPhone 3G customers are eligible for upgrade pricing on July 12th, 2009. AT&T could have given them the upgrade pricing but still extend their contract based on the July 12 date.

Previously I contacted AT&T regarding their upgrade pricing policy and an AT&T representative stated that the iPhones are the only phone AT&T does not have control over pricing, including the upgrade pricing. At&T representative was adamant that Apple mandated the iPhone pricing policy. I contacted Apple shortly after, and an Apple representative said that it is up to AT&T discretions to set the upgrade policy. AT&T subsidizes iPhone 3G and iPhone 3G S prices.

I do not know who tells the truth, but AT&T and Apple representatives were telling me two conflicting statement. Personally I tend to think that AT&T representative was not stating the fact.