Megadeth: “Headcrusher” is Previewed at MegaFanClub.

RoadRunner Record has posted the video.
On the right hand side, look for the Media Player. Click on “Video” and play “Megadeth Mix.”

The System Overlord at Megadeth Fan Club (MegaFanClub) is giving their members a taste of the upcoming Megadeth yet untitled album. Andy Sneap and George (his mixing board cat) are showing the mixing process of “Headcrusher.” As usual, the System Overlord at MegaFanClub are threatening their members not to share the clip outside the fan-club. The System Overlord at MegaFanClub wants Megadeth Fans to join the club. Here’s a shameless plug for MegaFanClub.

Megadeth: Headcruscher

Another shameless plug: The video is brought to you by TheLiveLine.


Known songt titles for the next Megadeth album, and they are subject to change:

  • Dialect of Chaos
  • This Day We Fight
  • Bite the Hand That Feeds
  • Nothing Left to Lose But My Mind
  • How The Story Ends
  • The Hardest Part of Letting Go… Is Saying Goodbye
  • 1320
  • Headcrusher
  • 44 Minutes
  • Endgame

In the meantime you can still download “Never Walk Alone…….A Call To Arms” for free.

29 Replies to “Megadeth: “Headcrusher” is Previewed at MegaFanClub.”

  1. It is bullshit and I have an actual argument as to why it’s bullshit.

    The recession hit and my family can barely afford food at this point because of all the bills and what-not… and they want me to buy a $50/year subscription that I’m only going to use once or twice? Really?

    Megadeth is my favorite band and I have, to this point, purchased hundreds of dollars in Megadeth merchandise. I have listened to them over 8300 times in the past 14 months and continue to listen to them 300 times per WEEK.

    My first album was Rust in Peace, still one of the greatest albums I’ve ever heard, and I was disappointed with how simplistic and shit CtE was (I’m 18, not old like it sounds) and then as I went along the discography I noticed that Megadeth’s music got lighter and lighter and at the same time worse and worse. I listen to all the albums up to Risk, but I don’t like the change in style. Mustaine was out for money and money alone in that period.

    That’s cool and all, it’s his band. He can do what he wants with it.

    What gets me, though, is he does this to his own band (all the while lying on Marty Friedman and company) and then on TWNAH he writes a song by the name of ‘When’, with or without question mark, dedicated to slamming us fans who disagreed with his choices during said time period.

    Do you understand the implications of this?

    He makes shitty light music for the greater part of the 90s, pisses off his best team of musicians (getting Ellefson in 2003 or so) and then slams the fans for disagreeing with his own bullshit blunders.

    But hey, this is 2009! None of that shit today, right?

    Fucking. Wrong.

    In 2007, I was highly anticipating the release of United Abominations. I wanted previews of it, but similar to now there were Fanclub only previews, and this pissed me off endlessly. It was bad and it pissed me off then. I didn’t really complain but it did piss me off quite a lot.

    This year, 2009, they have released an entire song to the Megadeth Fanclub. There is no word on when us non-Fanclub fans will get to hear it short of the album which drops in fucking goddamn September! I’ve supported Megadeth at every opportunity possible, I’ve purchased albums, I’ve purchased shirts, I’ve purchased posters, I’ve purchased shit that I would never use but wanted because it had ‘MEGADETH’ slapped on it. And so have plenty of other people. Plenty of other people who also don’t have $50 to waste on a song or two before buying an additional $10 album three months from now.

    I would honestly like to ask Mr. Mustaine, why do you do this shit to your own fans? What do you have to gain?

    Sure, he could argue that it’s due to the rise of piracy taking down record sales. Megadeth is a band that sold platinum for many years and can’t even get a gold record these days, which must be a bit painful, and it’s certainly not helped by the global recession. I understand wanting money, but can’t you do the faithful thing and tour more often? Have some faith in your real fans, the ones who can’t buy everything at any time. There was a time when I could but now I can’t. Why should I have to wait just because I’m unfortunate?

    It’s even more of a poke in the eye due to the fact that Mustaine wants to paint Megadeth as a people’s hero, someone working for the middle class man who can’t stand all forms of government and wants us to be truly free… but he’s not. In 1992 he made a music video that really touched me over ten years later for the song Foreclosure of a Dream. Included is a quote by then-president George H.W. Bush: “The congress will push me and I will say no, read my lips; no new taxes!”

    I’ve heard Mustaine plans a similar song on this record.

    It brings up questions, though. Mustaine is so concerned about people like me and my family having the problems that we have but he wants me – one of the few people who makes an idol out of him – to pay a gross amount for something I will use very little just because. Why does he do it? If it were “love of the fans” it would have been fucking free! We are the ones, after all, who are likely to actually PURCHASE the album!

    Dave Mustaine may be an excellent musician, doubtless my favorite, but he’s an arrogant prick and a horribly deceitful liar.

    Of course if another fan were to read this it would seem some sort of horrible condemnation of Mustaine, who has been treated so bad by Metallica. Right? He never stayed true to the fans and poked us in the eye whenever he could and made millions doing it. He’s making less money these days, just like everyone else, and invents shit like the MFC to make up for it.

    But as I’ve said plenty of times before (elsewhere, mainly), Mustaine will be Mustaine and Megadeth will be Megadeth – and Mustaine’s toy for commercial gain. And that’s fine. That is completely and perfectly fine, but don’t expect me to shut up when I disagree with the shit he does. He can say what he wants about people like me and I can say what I want about people like him.

      1. I will be sending an email that will go unheard… I actually wrote up all this here and then sent it to a Roadrunner-based acquaintance just a minute ago.

        At the same time, I do prefer things like this being public. People have obviously been here to see what you had to say on this blog, and these are the people I want to see what I think.

        You’re high up on the Google search at the moment, just so you know.

      2. If you sent a message to the email above, they will read it.
        I would have to clarify that it is not the whole song but it was Andy Sneap “showing off” his mixing board cat and the mixing process. He’s using “Headcrusher” as example. So you don’t really hear the whole song, only snippets of it.

        I am pretty sure that Megadeth and RoadRunner Records will release one song as a freebie in a month or two.

      3. The way it was said made me think it was a full song, and I thought that a song was shown off before that way? I didn’t think it was Headcrusher…

    1. I totally agree with you .These are hard times and it made me sick couildn’t listen to that new song. I’ve spent lots of money already buying lotsa shit from these guy. This is popped up!

  2. what more do you people want…everyone wants a hand out. I paid my fanclub fee cuz I am a fan and I wanted too. That is the freedom I enjoy in America. Megadeth stands up for those freedoms. “If there’s a new way, I’ll be the first in line…” Until then y’all quit your whining. The new album drops in September. Learn some patience and quit blaming Dave for all your problems…

    1. The forums are guarded with an iron fist. I got banned there a long time ago… I made a single post saying that Rust in Peace followed the lead AJFA set two years prior and that they were both excellent albums. Seriously.

  3. Damn, why can’t people just be patient? Jesus Christ you all are a bunch of whiners.

  4. I agree with a lot of those views but, honestly Dave is just trying to make a living. You think he really cares about the fans more than his own life? I think not. Now I’ve been a die hard megadeth fan forever but they are all washed up now. Last album UA SUCKED! I liked maybe 3 songs on it. The rest ALL sounded the same with the same guitar riffs (pretty much) and the same slow ass beat. As for those of you not being able to preview the new song from the new album…Shut up do you even know why fanclubs were ever made???? I bet you don’t. Go research that on Google. Here let me break this down for you. The Fan club is there so you can get exclusive previews and contests etc… and its not their fault you buy the MFC package and dont use it to its fullest. I bought it one year had had a blast with 1) all the sweet shit they sent me (which is worth more than 50 bucks)
    2) all the contests that give away awesome prizes
    3) rare videos and songs
    4) discounts on a lot of special things.
    Thats just a few things off the top of my head and like i said the shit you get for signing up is worth it alone.

    The child that posted that so called non “condemnation of Mustaine” as he put…
    So what I’m getting out of your post is. Your broke and jobless and everything should be free to you? You pretty much say the merch should be free from now on (does that go for anything and everything?) and people like you who buy the merch should be rewarded with more than the music you love and in doing so (buying the merch) you are entitled to bitch about a band charging people (for anything).

    Your post sir, was childish and closed minded. try thinking outside the box.

  5. Also I’m not bashing the fact that your in a hard time its just…Don’t take your anger out on Mustaine because its not his fault that the economy sucks.


    who the fuck cares when it drops, all of you fags are gonna go and post it all over the place anyway, so what if he goes and makes some cash and leaves his DIE HARDS in suspense. go cry to mommy you bitches

  7. yeah serious whiners… You know anything on the fanclub will end up on youtube and crap anyways. Do you think there should be absolutely no fan club? If not, do you think the fan club should have no exclusives?

    if you think a fan club is a logical thing to have… and any paying member should have SOME sort of benefit… there is really no bitching?

    The website is full of free stuff, and the album will be here soon enough! Joining the fanclub is for true hardcore fans who want to spend the extra cash to support the band and buy some merchandise. If you cant afford it, or are too cheap to pay for it, thats your problem… does this mean Mustaine should stop making money? And offer everything free because some fans cant afford it?

    Next you will want him to ship everyone a free cd if they cant afford it… Mustaine deserves your money, and if you dont think so, then go listen to someone who DOES!

  8. I totally agree with brainphreak, The stuff you get with a fanclub membership is worth a shit ton more than 50 bucks. Besides every band has a fan club only most of them collect your e-mail adress and send you a shitload of advertising and nothing else (see Mudvaine). If anything is free your probably getting what you paid for. Also if you didn’t like UA your not a fan, it’s the best thing they have done in years it sure as fuck is better than anything Dave’s last band has done… please.

  9. • Fan Club Website Access
    • Private Forums and Chat
    • Live Chats with Megadeth
    • Meet ‘N Greet Opps
    • Contests and Auctions
    • Video/Audio Downloads
    • Media and Personal Blogs
    • Pre-Sale Concert Tickets
    • Exclusive MFC 2009 T-Shirt
    • Autographed 8X10 Photo
    • Welcome Letter from Dave
    • Megadeth Postcard
    • Custom Membership Card
    • Large Megadeth Logo Sticker
    • Deluxe MFC 2009 Laminate
    • Set of 3 Mega Guitar Picks

    need I say more?

  10. how you going say im not a fan i got a megadeth tattoo. i agree its the best they’ve done in a long time and i also am keeping to my opinion about that album. I MEAN COME ON THEY RE MADE A TOUT LE MONDE!! WTF! Oh and i like 5 songs on UA if its the Japanese release.

  11. Two more sleeps til Megadeth and Slayer at the Dome, cant wait. I agree with you man two versions of a tout le monde is a bit excessive but at least he got to work with the hottie from Lacuna Coil so why not. Braincrusher is already all over the net now (youtube has a bunch of different crappy homemade montages for your viewing and listening pleasure) it Sounds good to me but I cant wait until its out. I’ve been a fan since KIMB and I agree that not everything Dave has done has been gold but after Risk and WNAH everything has been getting better and better, he just needs to keep a band together for more than 1 or 2 records so by my logic the new record should kick ass.

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