WWDC 2009: New MacBook Pro Line-Up

Apple introduces new line-up for MacBook Pro at WWDC 2009 with lower price point.

The new 15-inch MacBook Pro now features non-removable longer-lasting battery. In addition to that, the 15-inch MacBook Pro gains an SD-Card slot in lieu of the ExpressCard slot. 15-inch MacBook Pros are priced at $1699, $1999 and $2299.

The 17-inch MacBook Pro is also getting updated and lower price point. Now starts at $2599 and retains the ExpressCard slot.

As anticipated, Apple also upgraded the Unibody 13-inch MacBook into the Pro line. It now gains FireWire 800 port and SD-card slot. It is priced at $1199 and $1499.

More info to come.