iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 3 Expires on May 9th, 2009.

iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 5 is expiring around June 19th, 2009. Get iPhone OS 3.0 Official Release through iTunes.

As we have reported before, iPhone OS 3.0 Beta carries an expiration date. For those who has iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 3 still on their phone might have some purple shock today. As the software hits the expiration date, the iPhone displays purple screen with instructions to connect to iTunes. When connected, iTunes warned that the software has expired and must be updated to the newer version. In this state, the iPhone is rendered useless except for emergency calls. The most current version is iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 5 as of May 9th, 2009. Based on the expiration date of previous builds, iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 5 will expire on June 1st, 2009.

iPhone Purple Screen


6 Replies to “iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 3 Expires on May 9th, 2009.”

  1. would have been nice to know this ahead of time. I had updated to the newest ITunes, but upon rebooting it kept crashing. Then today the IPhone locks up. I had to rename my library folder so ITunes wouldn’t update it just to get in and get the phone working. The ENTIRE developemental process for Apple has sucked. I run a windows box, and nowhere did it say I had to run Mac until AFTER I paid the 99 dollar registration fee. Now I’m scrambling looking for a MAC to run it on, and this happens. Sheesh. Beginning to think this whole thing was a big mistake.

  2. yeah… i wish i knew this yesterday i had beta 4 and it expired this morning losing all my data!

    where on the apple dev site does it say the OS will expire?

  3. i am running vista ultimate, os 3.0 beta 5, itunes 8.2 and nothing crashes.

    and I didn’t pay $99.

    so sad…

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