iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 5 and iTunes 8.2 Pre-release (b10)

May 6th, 2009. Wednesday evening, Apple released iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 5 (Build: 7A312g) along with the SDK and new build of iTunes 8.2. This marks the first time Apple breaks the release cycles between iPhone OS 3.0  Beta revisions. Up to Beta 4, the release was in two-week-interval.

In the meantime, Mac OS X 10.5.7 is rumored to see release as early as Friday May 8th, 2009. As we had found out before, note-syncing in iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 4 required Mac OS X 10.5.7.

iTunes 8.2 Pre-release (b10) is available for Mac OS X (Tiger and Leopard) and Windows XP/Vista (32-bit and 64-bit).

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