John Gruber, we need you to rid the world off Paul Thurrott


There are a lot of pseudo tech journalists blabbing their mouth without even using any logic. On of them is none other than Paul Thurrott, the original Microsoft Defender.

Why people still read anything he writes is a mystery. Why Leo Laporte is stroking Thurrott’s ego in TWiT’s Microsoft P.R. Weekly Windows Weekly is also baffling.

This world need John Gruber to once again expose the fraud that Paul Thurrott is.

One main reason why Microsoft P.R. Weekly Windows Weekly is hosted only by Leo Laporte and Paul Thurrott is because anyone can easily debunk Thurrott’s statements.

Thurrott believes that he is the only person who knows the truth, and he is the only person in the world who can do something about it. What about all the lies you have been covering up about Microsoft, Thurrott?