New MacBook and MacBook Pro Are Coming Soon

UPDATE (2008.10.09):
Apple breaks silence on the new notebooks. Latest informations from an independent source reveals that there will be significant specs distinctions between MacBook and MacBook Pro. Dual core and Quad Core? One other info hints at the fourth MacBook model.

UPDATE (2008.09.17):
Latest informations indicate that new MacBook would be released ahead of the MacBook Pro. The new MacBook is significantly different in the build and design than the current ones.

Based on the informations we’ve gathered, Apple is ready to release the new Macbook and MacBook Pro; dubbed as “late 2008” models. Previous informations stated that Apple would be releasing new MacBook and MacBook Pro around the release of Mac OS X 10.5.5, as it was released today.

All Apple watchers might want to visit the Apple Store Online on Tuesday morning for the now so familiar “We’ll Be Right Back” post-it note.

The next revision of MacBook Pro is said to be sporting Intel’s Quad-Core mobile processors. The new MacBook Pro is also said to have an accessible hard-drive bay, similar to the current revision of MacBook line.

According to severals Mac-News sites, new MacBook shipments have begun. In concert with the reports we’re getting from our imaginary (*wink* *wink*) source who is allegedly working for Apple, MacBook Pro should be seeing its release date between mid-september to late October. It is possible Apple will roll-out the MacBook and MacBook Pro separately.

The new Macbook and MacBook Pro will be a significant upgrade to Apple portable lines.

9 Replies to “New MacBook and MacBook Pro Are Coming Soon”

  1. I would love it if the new macbook pro would be quad-core that would rock!!
    plus i heard it might be cheaper!!!


  2. I so totally agree. I am in college looking for a new computer, and I was about to get the MacBook Pro, but if they come out with a revised model soon I think I am going to wait.

    Praying it will be!!!!

  3. when will the new macbook pro be released? Thanks

    I can only tell you that according to rumors, it might be available sometimes in October 2008.

  4. I heard october 14th will be the day. Also I read somewhere starting price for macbooks will be $999 and pros will be $1499? Sounds to good to be true…but lets hope!!

  5. you should update there are spy shots of the new case already on macrumors.

    We are aware of that. We’re gathering and filtering the informations we received from multiple sources. We will post an update really soon.

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