Apple Rumors, Lies, and More Lies

Here we are, closing in on the first half of August 2008. The Apple Universe once again is buzzing with tons of rumors, lies and more lies. Apparently we refuse to live and learn, and still we all hunger for Apple related rumors.

Let’s start with the first one, and it is Andy Ihnatko’s pipe dream. Since the introductions of the iPhone, Ihnatko has been wanting Apple to release some kind of tablet computer, about half the size of 13-inch MacBook and resembles what the iPhone screen. As always, a year and a half after MacWorld San Francisco 2006, the Internet is filled with the Apple Tablet rumors once again. Please, give it up for now. You are echoing the same thing over and over again. It’s not about “if” but “when” Apple would release the Multi-Touch Mac Tablet.

The second rumor is about the fabled “iPhone nano” that would magically sees the release date sometimes close to the end of 2008. Would Apple recycle the “nano” moniker for the iPhone? No. In addition to that, Apple’s number one priority in the iPhone universe is to improve iPhone software. Let’s be Frank, Joe, Mary, or Caroline; iPhone Software 2.0.1 is still buggy. Add stability and more functionality to the iPhone Software 2.x, then we’ll talk about the next generation iPhone sometimes in Spring/Summer 2009.

The third rumor is about the iPod. Since its first introductions in 2001, iPod has become the most recognized digital media player in the world. The best feature of the iPod is none other than the incredible click-wheel. It evolved from the mechanical scroll wheel, into the touchpad-based click-wheel. Unfortunately, the circular control somehow didn’t make it into the iPod touch (and the iPhone). The control on the iPod touch is horrible. The slider is hard to use especially for scrubbing through the media. Apple needs to get back to the “circular dial” for the iPod control, and it doesn’t have to be another click-wheel. The iPod touch also missing features from its predecessors, go figures what Apple needs to do to improve it. Maybe Apple will upgrade iPod touch to 128GB capacity. (It’s not gonna happen anytime soon.)

The fourth rumor is about the new mystery products Peter Oppenheimer hinted about during Apple’s earning call in July 2008. For what we don’t know Apple might be launching new line of toasters that also serves as digital media hub. Have your breakfast and listen to your favorite podcast at the same time. The rumors ranging from the Tablet Mac (again), Apple HDTV set, Apple DVR, Apple Car, Apple this and Apple that. No one outside Steve Jobs’ circle knows the complete roadmap of Apple’s new product.

As of now, there are a large number of Apple-centric sites reporting anything Apple, including the made-up informations. Then again, the readers are eager to know anything about Apple. It is a simple supply and demand principal. In addition to that, there are tons of “bloggers” utilizing the “C” and “V” keys echoing the news and rumors mindlessly.