iPhone Software 2.0: Airplane Mode with Wi-Fi On

Yet another feature from iPhone Software 2.0 confirmed. The Wi-Fi can be turned on in Airplane mode.

What is the practical use of having Wi-Fi on in Airplane mode? Maybe now the iPhone can be used for browsing the internet on the airplane during flight. But the obvious use is to have the iPhone functioning just like an iPod touch, all the Wi-Fi without the phone signal.

If you recently replaced your original iPhone with iPhone 3G, you can now use it as an iPod touch by switching to the Airplane Mode with Wi-Fi on. It saves some battery life not having the iPhone still looking for the GSM signals.

3 Replies to “iPhone Software 2.0: Airplane Mode with Wi-Fi On”

  1. This is a HUGE benefit for international travelers and users like me.

    Once you’re out of the domestic range, iPhone data rates/usage are exorbitant.

  2. Roaming charges are one very good reason.

    Then there’s also the fact that the iPhone uses a lot of its battery power if it has to look for an absent GSM/3G signal in locations where there isn’t one, such as most of my house. The new function (which I discovered accidentally last night) means I can now use the WiFi function without running out of battery in a very short time.

    100% thumbs up.

  3. Yes this is a good feature. There’s lots of time that I’ve wanted internet access but I don’t want to be contacted by GSM. This is now my favourite feature in the 2.0 update. Battery life benefits hugely from using this hack. A massive thumbs-up to Apple for doing this!

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