Why I am not reading your blog.

I wouldn’t be reading your blog or articles anytime soon because:

  • You are posting something with title started with “Why I am not buying (something specific).”
    Why should anyone cares that you’re not going to be buying something that is actually newsworthy. Personally I’m more interested in reading about the actual product you’re gonna be buying. For example: “Why I am not buying Nikon DSLR.” Blah blah blah blah Canon DSLR.
    In the name of whatever you believe in, stop whoring Nikon DSLR (in this example) just to say that you like Canon DSLR (once again, this is only an example). This means you’re just flame-baiting.
  • You’re presenting rumors as facts, then bitch about it. They are rumors!
  • You’re Robert Scoble, Molly Wood, and Paul Thurrott.

End of this rant.