Along Came Windows Vista

After a five long years of development, Windows Vista finally ships to consumers. Many have been using various incarnations of Windows Vista, from early beta to Release Candidate to the RTM version. I had a chance to play with Windows Vista back in its “Longhorn” day. Windows Vista has gone through so much transformations since its first conception. Windows Vista was such a mess during its Beta days, but with Microsoft managed to make it into a “pretty mess”. Aero and Glass are the eye candy of Windows Vista, but users will be left wanting more. To be fair, Windows Vista is an improvement over Windows XP, especially in its security model.

Is Windows Vista Secure?
Theoretically, Windows Vista has a much improved security model compared to its predecessors. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to draw any conclusions until Windows Vista actually being used by “regular” consumers. Those who are technically proficient can protect themselves from most of exploits and vulnerabilities in Windows Vista. In a few months we all will find out if Windows Vista security model do work.

There are much to discuss about Windows Vista, and I’ll be writing a lot more about it.

Read an opinion about Windows Vista here: