South Park: The Complete Fourteenth Season, the controversy continues.

For those who are expecting an uncensored version of South Park: The Complete Fourteenth Season might be disappointed.

First, you would instantly noticed that the packaging did not say “Uncensored” anywhere on the packaging. South Park: The Complete Eleventh Season was the first to be released uncensored. Both Twelfth and Thirteenth Season DVD and Blu-Ray were also uncensored. So, what about the Fourteenth Season?

Second, there’s a sticker that said “Includes All Episodes!” on the Complete Fourteenth Season packaging. Fans are concerned that both episode “200” and “201” would not be included in the set. As a matter of fact both episode “200” and “201” are still not available on iTunes Store and Amazon Instant Download. Well, “All Episodes” are included but Episode “201” is heavily censored just like the broadcast version. Adding insult to the injury, the commentary by Trey Parker and Matt Stone is also censored with long beeps. According to PArker and Stone, Comedy Central is the one behind the censorship and might not release the Complete Season if Episode “201” was uncensored.

More on this.

One Reply to “South Park: The Complete Fourteenth Season, the controversy continues.”

  1. I hated it so much when I bought the season just to see it censored. You kind of expected it from episode 200 where Muhammad is censored out, but that got to be part of the joke and it was still funny. In 201 were they won’t even say his name, that was just stupid and a little annoying because you had to hear that sound so much, not to mention it made no difference to anything considering the name Muhammad was said so much in the previous episode, and the whole series. But even that I could live with. I didn’t get totally pissed until I went to the commentary and saw most of it bleeped out with that one long obnoxious sound that just grated on your ears, and then the same thing done with Kyle’s speech. I lost a lot of respect with Comedy Central for doing that.

    screw them

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