Preparing for OS X Mountain Lion Installation.

Apple has just announced the availability of OS X Mountain Lion Developer Preview. For those who are eager to download and install this Developer Preview should proceed with caution. Without breaking any NDA’s we can safely assume:

  1. It comes with delicious bugs and incomplete features.
  2. It is not ready as your production machine.
  3. Some of the applications might not work.

If you want to install OS X Mountain Lion Developer Preview, you might want to consider the following steps:

  • Do not upgrade any of your Snow Leopard or Lion systems. Starting with fresh install is preferable.
  • Use a dedicated hard drive for Mountain Lion installation.
  • Create the OS X Mountain Lion installation media using DVD or USB flash drive from the InstallESD.dmg (Show Package Contents on “Install OS X Mountain Lion Preview 1” then go to “ContentsShared Support”).

Don’t forget to report any bugs you find to Apple at