Apple updates iTunes Terms and Conditions.

Apple updates iTunes Terms and Conditions ahead of iOS 5 release.

The changes we have made to the terms and conditions include the following:

  • Update of iTunes terms and conditions and/or certain usage rules to reflect changes to available content types;
  • Amendment of the App Store terms and conditions to account for the availability of free in-app subscriptions, and to explain where
    the subscriptions appear on devices after download;
  • New terms have been added that govern your use of iTunes Match, whereby you may pay a subscription fee to access certain
    content remotely, subject to existing association rules and usage rules, and explain that such content may be accessed on certain
    devices that are not subject to existing association rules, with limitations; and
  • New terms have been added that explain that use of iTunes Match requires collection of certain information from your iTunes library
    which shall be associated with your Account.

Complete iTunes Terms and Conditions can be found here.