CNET’s “Buzz Out Loud” should change its name to “Bitch Out Loud” and join Fox News for their “Fair and Balanced” news reports. The least CNET can do is to smack some sense into Molly Wood, who apparently does not know anything about technology at all. Wood does not have the knowledge on programing, hardware design, nor logic. The best thing she can do is ranting on things that she personally doesn’t like. She is a menace to electronics, be it a mobile phone or a computer. She complained that she had been having problems with electronics in general, and yet she had the guts to blame some manufacturers instead of herself. Wood has been contradicting herself on Buzz Out Loud, unfortunately it is too painful to listen to back catalogue of the podcast to point out which episodes Wood has been doing so.
Buzz Out Loud is off my subscription list. There’s no need to listen to such biased news reporting.
Buzz Out Loud, you can BITE BENDER’S SHINY METAL ASS! That’s you, Molly Wood.