Great comment on Word on Slashdot…

This pretty much sums up my experiences with Microsoft Word:

The way it works isn’t the problem

I read TFA, and these guys seem to be worried about the wrong thing. Word menus, etc, are easy enough to deal with. What makes it a god-forsaken piece of s**t are all the bugs. Documents are always getting corrupted, figures don’t do where you want and stay there, can’t save sometimes for no apparent reason, the entire thing just bombs out, etc. We had a “Platinum Support Ticket” or some similar nonsense open on Word for a few years. The upshot, direct from a Microsoft senior support line, was that if we wanted documents to not get corrupted, was to print it out on paper, make sure it was right, then use a scanner and save it as a TIFF. Thanks, that’s good advice.

What is so pathetic is that I have ordinary technical documents from the late 50’s and 60’s that are laid out better, have better graphics, and are still perfectly readable today. While at the same time, a Word document I saved last week either can’t be opened, or has all the symbols corrupted.


I have seen too many tech articles talking about how great the new Office 2007 is with is “Innovative” new ribbon interface. For gods sake, Microsoft fix Word from being the piece of crap that it is. If Microsoft could fix the program from mangling long documents, then maybe I’d be more excited about their lame new ribbons.

The Article where the comment was quoted from: – Goodbye Cruel Word