January 19th, 2006
A Friday. So many things went wrong.
- I lost my tiny flashlight. It’s a tiny one, no wonder I lost it.
- I was going to replace cooling systems on a video card. Got the kit, but it’s missing tons of parts.
- A power supply with busted fan.
- Smokes came out of the same power supply.
- Power supply was replaced only to find out the onboard USB controller was shorted out and busted. It could no longer supply power to USB devices.
- Wasting a few hours trying to install Windows XP on busted machine; see 3, 4, and 5.
- Found out the battery of a 13″ MacBook no longer holding charges. Now I have to go to Apple Store and get it exchanged.
That’s a lot for one day.
Asides from that, I purchased: