Google to acquire Nest Labs

Google to acquire Nest Labs as revealed in their press release earlier today.

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA – JANUARY 13, 2014 — Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) announced today that it has entered into an agreement to buy Nest Labs, Inc. for $3.2 billion in cash.


Oh wait, there’s already a company named Nestlé. Probably you’ve heard of it.

From Nest Labs blog post:

Will Nest customer data be shared with Google?
Our privacy policy clearly limits the use of customer information to providing and improving Nest’s products and services. We’ve always taken privacy seriously and this will not change.

John Gruber asked a good question regarding Google’s acquisition of Nest Labs:

Does Google acquiring Nest change Apple’s mind about selling Nest products in Apple Stores?

Nest Thermostat at Apple Store

For sure this would be an interesting turn of event.