2021, Day Two

Shampoo and Prosecutor

Captain’s log, January 2nd, 2021.

Oh wait, we were watching some Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes on Amazon Prime Video earlier.

Found some wines from 2002 and 2004 under the counter. Hopefully they do not taste like vinegar.

2002 Rheinhessen Spätlese and 2004 Pinot Grigio Wine
2002 Rheinhessen Spätlese and 2004 Pinot Grigio Wine

Also saw a belt sander next to a motel that is under renovation.

Belt Sander
Belt Sander

Overall, it was a “too-early-in-the-year” kind of day.

Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow! – George Takei

Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow! - George Take

The paws are busy tapping the glass screen playing Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow!

Goerge Takei Special Event is now live. The event will end on July 20th, 2017.

Notably, Neil deGrasse Tyson is available for purchase for 300 Pizza. For, $19.99 you can buy 600 Pizzas.

I love Futurama, I like this game. I also am aware that this game is an In-App-Purchases trap.


Star Trek Into Darkness Pre-Order

Star Trek Into Darkness hast just premiered and retailers are already taking pre-orders for the movie. For example, Amazon.com and iTunes are reminding customers that they can pre-order the movie even if they had not seen it in the theater.

Star Trek Into Darkness iTunes Pre-order

Spoiler Free Rants about Star Trek Into Darkness

So here it is, the second Star Trek movie from J.J. Abrams and his team of writers. Just like its 2009 predecessor, it is an Action and Adventure movie in a Science-Fiction’s clothing. Think of Star Trek Into Darkness as combination of Transformers and Prometheus. Well, it is written by the people who penned Transformers and Prometheus. This movie is plagued with plot holes and lack of originality. The seemingly clever plot twists ruined the story telling. If you fancy lens-flares, then you would love Star Trek Into Darkness.

Star Trek on Netflix, beam me and sign me up!

Star Trek is now on Netflix according to TekGoblin and others. I also heard the news on Tech News Today this past Friday July 1st, 2011 if memories served correctly.

Let’s recap:

  • I watched Star Trek The Original Series on re-run in the 80’s.
  • I followed Star Trek: The Next Generation since its premiere till “All Good Things…”
  • I watched a few first episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  • I kinda watched Star Trek: Voyager and kinda bored with it.
  • I watched Enterprise for one and a half season, then for some reason kept missing it.

I have watched all Star Trek Movies and looking forward to the next one despite major plot loopholes in Star Trek (2009).

Time to get on Netflix.

p.s. I did get to meet Jolene Blalock on an MTV event when Enterprise wa still on production.