Reporting malicious links to bitly

Recent round of spams propagated using hacked Twitter accounts and bitly URL shortener became the topic of discussion. Just a few days ago Twitter account of Greg Hetson (Bad Religion, Circle Jerks) was hacked and a link using bitly URL shortener to a spam site was posted.

If you encountered any malicious or spam using, please report it to bitly immediately.

You can report spam links to to be blocked. Include the word ‘spam’ in the message and include the link and information about how you received it.

From time to time you’d see that bitly would warn visitors off the malicious URL they about to visit.


Greg Hetson’s Twitter account got hacked

Greg Hetson confirmed that his Twitter account was hacked. Yet he did not even bother to delete the spam tweet. Probably Hetson doesn’t know how to delete a tweet.


It seems that Greg Hetson’s Twitter account got hacked on Sunday morning February 17, 2013. It is yet known how Hetson’s Twitter account got hacked. Hetson often posts tweets using his HTC Android phone.

For those who know who Greg Hetson is, he never needed to lose any body fat; in fact he needed to gain some.
For those who don’t know who Greg Hetson is, go look up Bad Religion and Circle Jerks.

Speaking of Bad Religion, go get their latest release: True North


Internet Exlplorer?

From the spam folder:

Internet Exlplorer?

Funny that no one here in the office had any travel plan in the immediate future and yet British Airways said we had a ticket booked?

The spam email came with an attachement that can be viewed using “Internet Exlplorer”; it must be a new program.

Apple and Java: How low can Slashdot go?

I’d really want to title this post: “Shit Slashdot Say” but it wouldn’t be fair to the rest of Slashdot users.

To be honest, are there any actual Mac users other than the one Slashdot user imagined angered by Apple by silently shutting down Java 7? In addition to that, the posting on Slashdot was 2 days late. Oracle released Java 7 Update 13 on February 1, 2013. Typical Apple-hating Slashdot user.



Now if only Meatloaf is here to give them the “You’ve gotta be kidding me!” award.

Meatloaf is not amused