South Park: Season 14 Episode 7 – “Crippled Summer”

South Park: Season 14 Episode 7 – “Crippled Summer”
Jimmy and Timmy are off to summer camp with all their handicapable friends.
Original Air Date: 2010-04-28

“Crippled Summer” will be available for streaming on April 28th, 2010 11:59PM Pacific Time.

Please check back on Saturday or Sunday night for more South Park Episode News!

Preview “Crippled Summer” here (“Shark Whistle” – What’s he gonna do with that shark whistle?)

“Crippled Summer” will be available for streaming on April 28th, 2009 11:59PM Pacific Time. You will watch it here (Flash Player required – if you want to watch it on your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad; you’re out of luck. Steve Jobs won’t let Flash on the iProducts) instead of downloading the episode from site like or By the way, Microsoft wants you to know that iPad sucks and do not buy it. Microsoft also says that whatever Microsoft is putting out will be light years better than anything Apple can ever release. You can watch South Park on the Non-Existent Microsoft device, but not o the iPad.

From the Comedy Central Press Release:

NEW YORK, April 26, 2010 – JIMMY AND TIMMY head off TO SUMMER CAMP WITH ALL THEIR HANDICAPABLE FRIENDS in an all-new episode of “South Park” titled “Crippled Summer,” premiering on Wednesday, April 28 at 10:00 p.m. on COMEDY CENTRAL.

Competition is the name of the game this summer. There is no time for Jimmy and his friends to slack off. They’re working to be this year’s champions at summer camp. Jimmy suits up and prepares to shred in the annual surfing contest.


  • “Crippled Summer” is the mid-season Finale.
  • In any case that you cannot watch any episodes of South Park at South Park Studios, please be patient, Comedy Central would be really angry if you downloaded the episodes from places other than and iTunes Store or any online stores that generate revenue for Comedy Central. Please do not go to sites such as to download any of the episodes. Just because you can easily download the episodes from sites such as, it doesn’t mean Comedy Central say it is right.
  • As usual, this episode will be available for streaming at South Park Studios following the premiere on April 28th, 2010. Uncensored version will follow shortly after.
  • South Park: Season 14 Episode 7 uncensored version will be available purchase starting May 1st, 2010 at and iTunes Store.
  • Stay tuned for more info.

Public Service Announcement:

This episode will be available for streaming after the premiere on Wednesday April 28th, 2010 at South Park Studios. Flash Player is required even though Steve Jobs calls it a dying technology. Forget about watching the stream on your iPad.

Comedy Central Airing Schedule for South Park: Season 14 Episode 7 (Eastern and Pacific Time)

  • Wednesday April 28 2009 10:00PM
  • Thursday April 29 2009 12:00AM
  • Thursday April 29 2009 10:00PM
  • Sunday May 02 2009 11:00PM
  • Monday May 03 02:00AM

Comedy Central strongly urges you not to download the episode from any sites such as or any other South Park related sites. Remember that unauthorized download of South Park episodes hurts Comedy Central and South Park team. It is very very wrong to download South Park Episodes from sites like, because Comedy Central would have to wait for another 2 months to get gold plated shark tank installed in their lobby. Instead, Comedy Central would like you to purchase the episode from vendors like or iTunes Store.


Celebrate South Park’s 200th Episode
The 200th episode of South Park premieres April 14 and we are inviting fans to congratulate Matt and Trey and the entire South Park crew, by submitting a fan video or an image to

Tell us about the first time you saw South Park, talk about your favorite episode or just show off your creative skills. It can be animated, live-action, a mash-up, your drawings or whatever else you want to do to commemorate the 200th episode.

Visit for all the info and take this chance to congratulate Trey, Matt and South Park on 200 amazing episodes.

Check back for more info.


By the way,

Available March 16th, 2010
South Park: The Complete Thirteenth Season – Uncensored

DVD | Blu-ray


If you bought anything through Amazon link above, and I get some kickbacks.

“If you buy these DVD’s, I can buy a Canon Vixia HF S21” to paraphrase the great Robert Schimmel.

Apple Confirmed that South Park Episode “200” is taken off iTunes Store.

iTunes Store Season Pass customer for “South Park: Uncensored, Season 14” reported that they were able to download Episode “200” prior the airing of Episode “201” on Wednesday. The Episode “200” has since disappeared from iTunes Store. The controversy surrounding Episode “201” seemed to be the reason why Episode “200” was taken off the iTunes Store, Amazon Digital Download and the broadcast.

The previously available episode “200” was identical to the Uncensored version that was streamed at South Park Studios.

According to an Apple iTunes Store Representative, South Park Episode “200” was indeed taken off the iTunes Store citing the iTunes Usage Rules:

Apple reserves the right not to post or publish any materials, and to delete, remove or edit any material, at any time in its sole discretion without notice or liability.

It is unclear if South Park Episode “200” was taken off the iTunes Store by Apple or by request from Comedy Central. Episode “201” was scheduled to be made available on iTunes Store this Saturday April 24th, 2010. It is unclear if and when Episode “201” will be made available for purchase.

At the Amazon Video On Demand, Episode “200” is also unavailable.

South Park: Season 14 Episode 5 – “200” is absent from iTunes Store.

One reader commented that “200” was available at iTunes Store, but now it’s gone (see comment). Can anyone else confirm?

For sure I thought I saw South Park: Season 14 Episode 5 – “200” on the iTunes Store a few days ago. I just checked iTunes Store and now “200: is not available. Can someone confirm if “200” was ever made available on iTunes Store?

South Park: Season 14 Uncensored on iTunes Store.

The signs say that Comedy Central might be pulling “200” and “201” out of circulation for good.

Comedy Central Pulled South Park Episode “201” Off The Air Amidst Controversy.

It is also possible that Comedy Central wouldn’t be airing both “200 and “201” anymore. In addition to that both episodes might never be allowed to stream at South Park Studios. Episode “200” is now unavailable on iTunes Store.

Comedy Central has pulled South Park Episode “201” off the air, they will be showing “You Have 0 Friends” instead. At this point I cannot confirmed if Comedy Central aired “201” on Thursday night at 10:00 PM, the usual Thursday slot for new Episodes of South Park following the Wednesday Premiere and Midnight Encore. Usually South Park Studios provides stream tho the broadcast version of new episodes shortly after it premiers on Comedy Central. Within a day the uncensored versions are made available for streaming. Unfortunately Comedy Central has decided not to allow South Park Studios to stream Episode “201” in its broadcast and in its original (uncensored) version.

South Park fans also unable to watch the Episode “201” at South Park Studios site due to Comedy Central’s disapproval. Instead, fans of the show are downloading “201” from numbers of sites that provide the Episode recorded from its original broadcast on Wednesday April 21st, 2010.

Comedy Central is certainly choosing the safest path to walk on, even though it proves to be unpopular among South Park fans. Comedy Central has yet to release any official statement regarding its decision to censor the episode. In the end Comedy Central must have believed that censoring and pulling off the Episode off the air are the right thing to do.


If you feel compelled to say something to Comedy Central, please do so in a civilized manner. Remember that The United States of America values the Freedom of Speech. Comedy Central has the right to censor any South Park Episodes, and you have the right to tell them how you feel about it.

Comedy Central does not approve Uncensored version of South Park Episode 201.

Jon Stewart defends Matt and Trey.

South Park: Season 14 Episode 5 – “200” is no longer available on iTunes Store. It is possible that the “current version” of the episode is pulled by Comedy Central. Some readers confirmed. It is also possible that both Episodes “200” and “201” will never see the light of day anymore.

Matt and Trey release a statement regarding the “201” controversy.

We delivered our version of the show to Comedy Central and they made a determination to alter the episode. It wasn’t some meta-joke on our part. Comedy Central added the bleeps. In fact, Kyle’s customary final speech was about intimidation and fear. It didn’t mention Muhammad at all but it got bleeped too.

Want to file complaints to Comedy Central? Here’s the link.

According to South Park Studios, Comedy Central deliberately bleeped out all mentions of Muhammad from the “201” Episode. In addition to that Comedy Central prohibits South Park Studios from streaming “201” original version that lacks of the audio bleeps. South Park Studios promises to post a version of the episode as soon as possible per Comedy Central approval.

“201” is the second part of a two parter, following the 200th Episode aptly titled “200” which aired a week before. In “200” the mention of the name Muhammad was not bleeped out.

Comedy Central is certainly picking their battle carefully, but not necessarily wisely. Buddha was seen sniffing Cocaine in “200” and “201” while Jesus was said to be viewing Internet porn in the 201st Episode.

More on this.

Screenshot of the Episode player for archive purpose.

Comedy Central would not approve “201” to be streamed uncensored at; thus the episode is currently unavailable for streaming on the official site. Comedy Central also doesn’t want you to download the episode from sites such as or any other South Park related sites. What can you do? What would you do?

“We Apologize that South Park Studios cannot stream Episode 201 at this time.

After we delivered the show, and prior to broadcast, Comedy Central placed numerous additional audio bleeps throughout the episode. We do not have the network approval to stream our original version of the show.

We will bring you a version of 201 as soon as we can.”

There is this little thing called “Freedom of Speech” in the U.S.A., so don’t take it for granted. If you feel like complaining to Comedy Central, please do so through this link.

South Park: Season 14 Episode 6 – “201”

Comedy Central would not approve “201” to be streamed uncensored at; thus the episode is currently unavailable for streaming on the official site. Comedy Central also doesn’t want you to download the episode from sites such as or any other South Park related sites. What can you do? What would you do?

Comedy Central has the right to censor and pull the episode. You also has the right to tell Comedy Central what you think in a civilized manner.

“We Apologize that South Park Studios cannot stream Episode 201 at this time.

After we delivered the show, and prior to broadcast, Comedy Central placed numerous additional audio bleeps throughout the episode. We do not have the network approval to stream our original version of the show.”

We will bring you a version of 201 as soon as we can.

South Park: Season 14 Episode 6 – “201”
Angry celebrities, violent ginger kids and Mecha Streisand are about to destroy South Park and all anyone wants to know is, “Who is Eric Cartman’s father?”
Original Air Date: 2010-04-21

“201” will be available for streaming on April 21st, 2010 11:59PM Pacific Time.

Previously on  “200”

Please check back on Saturday or Sunday night for more South Park Episode News!

“201” will be available for streaming on April 21st, 2009 11:59PM Pacific Time. You will watch it here (Flash Player required – if you want to watch it on your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad; you’re out of luck. Steve Jobs won’t let Flash on the iProducts) instead of downloading the episode from site like or By the way, Microsoft wants you to know that iPad sucks and do not buy it. Microsoft also says that whatever Microsoft is putting out will be light years better than anything Apple can ever release. You can watch South Park on the Non-Existent Microsoft device, but not o the iPad.

From the Comedy Central Press Release:

NEW YORK, April 19, 2010 – “South Park” is in danger from angry celebrities, violent Ginger kids and Mecha Streisand in an all-new episode titled “201,” premiering on Wednesday, April 21 at 10:00 p.m. on COMEDY CENTRAL.

It’s a tense situation in South Park as Muhammad has become the pawn in the game to save the town. The Ginger kids are threatening to destroy the city if Stan and Kyle don’t hand over the Prophet and the celebrities have met violence with violence by unleashing Mecha Streisand. In the midst of all of this, all anyone really wants to know is, who is Eric Cartman’s father?


Public Service Announcement:

This episode will be available for streaming after the premiere on Wednesday April 24th, 2010 at South Park Studios. Flash Player is required even though Steve Jobs calls it a dying technology. Forget about watching the stream on your iPad.

Comedy Central Airing Schedule for South Park: Season 14 Episode 6 (Eastern and Pacific Time)

  • Wednesday April 21 2009 10:00PM
  • Thursday April 22 2009 12:00AM
  • Thursday April 22 2009 9:30PM
  • Sunday April 25 2009 11:00PM
  • Monday April 26 02:00AM
  • Tuesday April 27 2009 10:00PM

Comedy Central strongly urges you not to download the episode from any sites such as or any other South Park related sites. Remember that unauthorized download of South Park episodes hurts Comedy Central and South Park team. It is very very wrong to download South Park Episodes from sites like, because Comedy Central would have to wait for another 2 months to get gold plated shark tank installed in their lobby. Instead, Comedy Central would like you to purchase the episode from vendors like or iTunes Store.


Celebrate South Park’s 200th Episode
The 200th episode of South Park premieres April 14 and we are inviting fans to congratulate Matt and Trey and the entire South Park crew, by submitting a fan video or an image to

Tell us about the first time you saw South Park, talk about your favorite episode or just show off your creative skills. It can be animated, live-action, a mash-up, your drawings or whatever else you want to do to commemorate the 200th episode.

Visit for all the info and take this chance to congratulate Trey, Matt and South Park on 200 amazing episodes.

Check back for more info.


By the way,

Available March 16th, 2010
South Park: The Complete Thirteenth Season – Uncensored

DVD | Blu-ray


If you bought anything through Amazon link above, and I get some kickbacks.

“If you buy these DVD’s, I can buy a Canon Vixia HF S21” to paraphrase the great Robert Schimmel.

South Park: Season 14 Episode 5 – “200”

I’ll update this post when I have Internet access on my computer. In the meantime I’m posting this using an iPhone.

South Park: Season 14 Episode 5 – “200”
The town of South Park faces a class action lawsuit as every celebrity they’ve ever ridiculed is out for revenge.
Air date: April 14th 2010

Watch “200” here starting April 14th, 2010.

Preview “200” here. (“Our Day Has Come!” – South Park is hit with class action lawsuit.)


  • This is the South Park episode number 200, so head to
  • Celebrities featured are Tom Cruise, Jared Fogle, Fred Savage, Steven Spielberg, Al Gore, Jimmy Buffet, Rob Reiner, George Michael, Martha Stewart, Mel Gibson, Kanye West, Oprah Winfrey, Ben Affleck, Kurt Russell, Hillary Rodham Clinton, David Blaine and more.

“200” will be available for streaming on March 31st, 2009 11:59PM Pacific Time. You will watch it here (Flash Player required – if you want to watch it on your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad; you’re out of luck. Steve Jobs won’t let Flash on the iProducts) instead of downloading the episode from site like or By the way, Microsoft wants you to know that iPad sucks and do not buy it. Microsoft also says that whatever Microsoft is putting out will be light years better than anything Apple can ever release. You can watch South Park on the Non-Existent Microsoft device, but not on the iPad.

Episode 1405 Press Release
From the Comedy Central Press Release:


NEW YORK, April 12, 2010 – “EVERY celebrity THE TOWN OF SOUTH PARK HAS EVER MOCKED IS out for revenge AS THE SHOW marks ITS 200TH EPISODE titled “200,” premiering on Wednesday, April 14 at 10:00 p.m. on COMEDY CENTRAL.

While on a school field trip, Stan accidentally INSULTS Tom Cruise and sets off a chain reaction. 200 previously ridiculed celebrities stand strong in a class action lawsuit against the town of South Park. This could be the thing that destroys South Park forever.

Comedy Central strongly urges you not to download the episode from any site such as or any other South Park related sites. Remember that unauthorized download of South Park episodes hurts Comedy Central and South Park team. It is very very wrong to download South Park Episodes from sites like, because Comedy Central would have to wait for another 2 months to get gold plated shark tank installed in their lobby. Instead, Comedy Central would like you to purchase the episode from vendors like or iTunes Store.


Celebrate South Park’s 200th Episode
The 200th episode of South Park premieres April 14 and we are inviting fans to congratulate Matt and Trey and the entire South Park crew, by submitting a fan video or an image to

Tell us about the first time you saw South Park, talk about your favorite episode or just show off your creative skills. It can be animated, live-action, a mash-up, your drawings or whatever else you want to do to commemorate the 200th episode.

Visit for all the info and take this chance to congratulate Trey, Matt and South Park on 200 amazing episodes.

Check back for more info.


By the way,

Available March 16th, 2010
South Park: The Complete Thirteenth Season – Uncensored

DVD | Blu-ray


If you bought anything through Amazon link above, and I get some kickbacks.

“If you buy these DVD’s, I can buy a Canon Vixia HF S21” to paraphrase the great Robert Schimmel