One Cold December Morning

On Monday Morning (December 9, 2013) and found out I had to scrape the ice off the windshield and windows of my car.

Bear in mind that I live in Southern California, a few minutes from the shoreline.

20131209 Ice Sheet 2

20131209 Ice Sheet 1

Polygon Rabbit

I was flying back from Sacramento International Airport (SMF) earlier today after an eventful Thanksgiving. One thing that always catch my eye on this airport is the giant Polygon Rabbit at Terminal B.

Polygon Rabbit Sacramento International Airport

I have no idea what Black Friday is.

Apparently a lot of retailers started “Black Friday”  shopping event on Thursday evening. This dog is wondering what “Black Friday” is.

I have no idea what Black Friday is

“I have no idea what Black Friday is.”

High Fructose Unicorn Syrup The Cat

We might as well call him High Fructose Unicorn Syrup The Cat, because he is so sweet. OK, his name is still Rufus Cornelius “Unicorn” The Cat.

High Fructose Corn Syrup The Cat

Taken using iPhone 5s.

  • ISO: 500
  • Focal Length: 4.12mm
  • Aperture: f/2.2
  • Shutter Speed: 1/15

The lighting condition was dim, really dim.