Dropbox Updates Terms of Service, includes the “we read your documents” clause.

Dropbox has been busy informing their users regarding the updated Terms of Service. The Terms of Service also includes the “we read your documents” clause.

  • Permissions. We care about having Terms of Service that are readable, give the right amount of context, and avoid unnecessary legalese, so we’ve updated our language to better match the permissions you give us with the features you use. For example, to provide you with document previews, our automated systems need permission to access and scan your stuff for those previews — so we explain this in the new Terms.

Users would love the document previews feature at the cost of allowing Dropbox system automatically scan and read the documents to generate the said previews. Similar to the way Google read your emails to serve “contextual” ads. In my experience, in-Gmail ads never caught my interests.

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