Confirmed: Ars Technica-employed journalist comes up with sensationalistic headline.

If you’re whoring for page-hits, then you should come up with sensationalistic headlines. Ars Technica-employed journalist, Dan Goodin knows exactly how to do that.

Confirmed: Apple-owned fingerprint software exposes Windows passwords

Bra-effin’-vo! Add Apple in the headline and wait for the page-hits to increase at an alarming rate.

The headlines is not inaccurate because AuthenTec revealed that they were acquired by Apple Inc. on July 26, 2012. The problem with the headline is that Apple had nothing to do with the vulnerable software. It is not a quality headline anyone would expect from someone who graduated from UC Berkeley with Masters of Journalism degree. It is a type of headline one would expect from TMZ or National Enquirer.

What kind of headlines this Ars Technica-employed journalist can come up with next?

“HP CEO acquired Skype for eBay”