South Park: Season 16 Episode 10 – “Insecurity” | video stream | iTunes | Amazon
The man who visits all the homes in South Park every day is now under suspicion. The luxury of having packages delivered to your doorstep is suddenly a threat to every family in the neighborhood.
Cartman takes matters into his own hands and signs up for a home security system.
Original Air Date: 2012-10-10 | Press Release
Watch “Insecurity” stream on South Park Studios starting Wednesday October 10th, 2012 at 11:00 p.m. Pacific Time until Tuesday October 16th, 2012.
You can search for “South Park S16E10“, but you will not find any leaks before the episode aired. You can watch the preview, though.
“Insecurity” Preview
“This Happens All The Time” – Cartman has some series concerns after speaking with his home security company. (Flash | MP4)
- “Insecurity” on Wikipedia
- Cialis
- Amazon
- “UPS-Man”
- Bane from The Dark Knight Rises
- Adapter for iPhone
- Gatorade
- Bane Mask at Amazon
- Definition of Insecurity
Images are courtesy of South Park Studios.
Amazon has South Park DVD’s on sale this week (for the week of September 24th, 2012)