Futurama: The Bots and the Bees & A Farewell To Arms

Do you know why Bender loves Summer? That’s because Bender is back, baby. Futurama is back too. Techies and nerds rejoice! Get off the internet from posting cat pictures and linking them to Reddit for an hour to watch Futurama.

June 20th, 2012.

The Bots and the Bees/A Farewell To Arms (700)
In this one-hour World Premiere of Futurama, Bender fathers a child with the office soda machine, and an ancient prophecy predicts the world will end in the year 3012.

To all the hipsters out there, you might be able to relate to this quote:

“Some of us were crazy before it was cool.”

Bender says you will watch it.


Bender’s Bastard

The World is Ending Again

Images and videos are courtesy of Futurama and Comedy Central.