HTC and Samsung: “Dear Google, we have patents too.”

In Google’s Official Blog, Larry Page, Google CEO says:

Our acquisition of Motorola will increase competition by strengthening Google’s patent portfolio, which will enable us to better protect Android from anti-competitive threats from Microsoft, Apple and other companies.

Note to Larry Page:

HTC has those S3 patents that Apple is found to be infringing upon and Samsung is suing/countersuing Apple for patent infringement. Buy them too, and Google would have more in its patent arsenal.


Note to anyone who cares:
Both HTC and Samsung make Windows Phone 7…….errrr phones. LG also makes that awkwardly named phones, but do they have worthwhile patent portfolio? -editor

One Reply to “HTC and Samsung: “Dear Google, we have patents too.””

  1. Why should Samsung or HTC risk a fighgt with Microsoft if all they need to do is give up some buckets per device? In contrast to that Google with fight it’s Android for every cent to prevent that it’s competitors are taxing that platform. Now they are able to provide protection for Android.

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