The Android in Peril.

There are a lot of people cursing Apple’s name for suing HTC over Android. The ITC sides with Apple and concludes that HTC violates 2 of Apple’s patent. Sean Ludwig of VentureBeat dares to scream the headline: “Why Apple’s ITC patent victory over HTC Android phones is scary“.

It is pretty apparent that Apple-hating is so trendy these days in lights of the Apple v. HTC lawsuit. Unfortunately a lot of people seems to forget that HTC has waived the white flag when Microsoft came knocking. HTC is paying royalties to Microsoft for every Android phone it sold. Hating Microsoft is apparently so 1998. Does anyone remember that Microsoft recently demands Samsung to pay $15 for each Android phone it makes.

Microsoft is asserting some ownership to Android, that’s a bigger threat. HTC is not the only company to pay Android royalties to Microsoft.

Blame it on how easy anyone can abuse software patent.