It is definitely one hot Summer Solstice in Southern California. It is a record-breaking heat.
Gotta do something about the dust.
If not for one hot October day in Southern California, I wouldn’t have noticed how dusty this part of my car.
Yep, it was 109°F on Friday, October 9, 2015 somewhere in Orange County, 5 miles away from the shoreline.
One Hot Day in May 2014
I was stuck on the I-405 freeway and the temperature was as high as 107°F according to my car.
When the traffic was completely at full stop, I snapped a photo. It said 105°F.
Fire Hydrant broke and created spectacular fountain in Costa Mesa, California. (UPDATED)
Water main Fire hydrant broke during the rain and created a 40-foot fountain on a strip mall parking lot at the intersection of Baker Street and Bear Street in Costa Mesa, California today. Numbers of bystanders captured the video on their iPhones. The video footage should hit the Internet by now.
A few cars are parked directly under this impromptu fountain. One care was reportedly suffered major water damage.
It is a nice Summer-Like Day in January, in California.
The Weather forecast for Long Beach, California was high at 84ºF and low at 50ºF.
At one time it hits 90ºF.
One Cold December Morning
On Monday Morning (December 9, 2013) and found out I had to scrape the ice off the windshield and windows of my car.
Bear in mind that I live in Southern California, a few minutes from the shoreline.