Photo is taken on September 9, 2020 as the sun turns red, thanks to the cloud of smoke from the fire.
It’s Raining in Southern California, November 2019 Edition
It’s finally raining again here in Southern California. To my recollections, the year 2019 started with a rainy 13 weeks, then nothing for another 26.
Okay, I need to find a statistic and correct my statement above.
After the Rain
January 12, 2017: It is Raining
January 12, 2017
It is raining here in Southern California. As I parked my car, I saw the reflections on my Apple Watch. I took a few photos using an iPhone 7 Plus; and it took a few tries to get the the reflection right.
One Hot Summer Solstice
It is definitely one hot Summer Solstice in Southern California. It is a record-breaking heat.
Gotta do something about the dust.
If not for one hot October day in Southern California, I wouldn’t have noticed how dusty this part of my car.
Yep, it was 109°F on Friday, October 9, 2015 somewhere in Orange County, 5 miles away from the shoreline.
One Hot Day in May 2014
I was stuck on the I-405 freeway and the temperature was as high as 107°F according to my car.
When the traffic was completely at full stop, I snapped a photo. It said 105°F.