Limited Gmail intrusions through Google+

From the Official Gmail Blog:

Have you ever started typing an email to someone only to realize halfway through the draft that you haven’t actually exchanged email addresses? If you are nodding your head ‘yes’ and already have a Google+ profile, then you’re in luck, because now it’s easier for people using Gmail and Google+ to connect over email.

Wait, what did he say?

The post continues:

Your email address isn’t visible to a Google+ connection unless you send that person an email, and likewise, that person’s email address isn’t visible to you unless they send you an email.

The problem with this latest move by google is that users are automatically opted in to this feature. It’s time to opt out and hoped that it would send Google a message.

No one is allowed to email me through GooglePlus

By the way, Gmail users should be getting the notifications on their Gmail.


Just Another Day in Malware Removal

Another day, another computer infested with malware.


Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP) identified here:

  • BackupDutyLite
  • ImminentMessenger
  • ImproveSpeedPC
  • iYogiToolbar
  • SearchProtectAll
  • Starter (DriverGenius)

Spam Alert: Fake Email from Picasa

Since when Google sends “corrupted” photo notifications to Picasa Web Albums user? The layout of this spam/phishing email looks exactly the same like the other phishing/spam emails purporting from iMessage, iCloud, Whatsapp, Google Voice, etc.

Phishing Alert Fake Picasa Email

The Malware that doesn’t take “No” for an answer.

Thursday morning, the day after Christmas 2013 I received a call from someone who needed help. “Fred” callously clicked on an attachment from a phising email purporting from

After that, he kept seing Windows User Account Control (UAC) asking for confirmation to load some executable file.

Clicking “No” did not really help because UCA kept popping up subsequently.


I booted Windows 7 into “Safe Mode with Command Prompt” and launched Registry Editor (regedit.exe).

I located load command in the registry.

ComputerHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWindows”

delete the content from the “Load” key.

Scam Alert: Fake WhatsApp Messages

The scammers keep trying to fool anyone by blindly sending messages to unsuspecting victims. I’ve been getting a lot of reports from acquaintances that they received similar scam email in the past few days.

First off, I always keep an eye for this type of scam emails. Second, I don’t use WhatsApp.

If you’re an iCloud user, forward this message as attachment to

I also use a service called SpamCop at If you feel compelled to use their service, please donate if you can.

Scam Message WhatsApp