WordPress 3.5.2 is now available. Those who run their own WordPress installation are recommended to upgrade to the latest version.
Apple Releases OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.4
Apple releases OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.4 Build 12E55 on Tuesday June 4, 2013. The same build that was seeded to developers on May 24, 2013.
The 10.8.4 update is recommended for all OS X Mountain Lion users and has features and fixes that improve the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac, including the following:
- Compatibility improvements when connecting to certain enterprise Wi-Fi networks
- Microsoft Exchange compatibility improvements in Calendar
- A fix for an issue that prevented FaceTime calls to non-U.S. phone numbers
- A fix for an issue that may prevent scheduled sleep after using Boot Camp
- Improved VoiceOver compatibility with text in PDF documents
- Includes Safari 6.0.5
That Looks Legit: Dropbox Edition
We’ve been seeing numbers of spam email disguised as Dropbox invitation. Why would total stranger invite you to join Dropbox?
Rage Against CISPA, Episode 2
On Thursday April 18, 2013, U.S. House of Representatives gave CISPA the approval and it now is going to the U.S. Senate for approval.
The fight to defeat CISPA is now on the Senate floor. Do your part to defeat this bill.
Tasteless and Despicable
Let me start by saying that spammers are despicable and tasteless, especially when they’re exploiting a tragedy such as the explosions at the Boston Marathon.
Spammers who want to spread malware are sinking to another low. Numbers of readers told us they’ve been getting spam with subjects contain: “explosion at Boston Marathon”
The from addresses are blanked out because it might be used as identifier by the spammers.
One of the addresses has been flagged by Google that it “may harm your computer.”
Apple updates iPhoto and Java for OS X
Apple updates iPhoto 9.4.3 and Java for OS X (Java for OS X 2013-003 and Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 15).
In addition to that Apple also updates:
- Safari 5.1.9 for Snow Leopard
- Epson Printer Drivers v2.14 for OS X
- Canon Laser Printer Drivers v2.0 for OS X
- HP Printer Drivers v.2.14 for OS X
- Aperture 3.4.4
Spammer Alert: leecheryl182@gmail.com
We received another tip from readers about a particular spammer related to hefallsintothe.com. The admin contact of the domain name is leecheryl182@gmail.com. The domain name hefallsintothe.com is using ns1.insulationfromtheelements.com and ns2.insulationfromtheelements.com
The domain names are registered through namecheap.com.
whois hefallsintothe.com:
Administrative Contact:
Web Master (leecheryl182@gmail.com)
616 Corporate Way
Suite 2
Valley College, NY 10989
USCreation date: 19 Mar 2013 19:06:00
Expiration date: 19 Mar 2014 11:06:00
whois insulationfromtheelements.com:
Administrative Contact:
Brightness Partners
Network Admin (dns@brightnesspartners.com)
Fax: +1.5555555555
6321 W Dempster St
Suite 161
Morton Grove, IL 60053
USCreation date: 19 Mar 2013 20:53:00
Expiration date: 19 Mar 2014 12:53:00
Whois brightnesspartners.com:
Administrative Contact:
Brightness Partners
Network Admin (dns@brightnesspartners.com)
Fax: +1.5555555555
6321 W Dempster St
Suite 161
Morton Grove, IL 60053
USCreation date: 19 Mar 2013 20:36:00
Expiration date: 19 Mar 2014 12:36:00
Partial list of domain names related to dns@brightnesspartners.com:
- aboveallcanacquire.com
- allusefulhasthe.com
- andhopetoobtain.com
- artitselfbythe.com
- brightnesspartners.com
- colouringheshouldlodge.com
- conductothersashaving.com
- eminencebyothermeans.com
- frivolouspursuitscapacityto.com
- ifhewasallowed.com
- ifoneactexcluded.com
- ihaveseenalso.com
- insulationfromtheelements.com
- inthedrudgeryof.com
- isalwaysathand.com
- isbrilliantthanwith.com
- ithasbeenso.com
- itmaybetaken.com
- managedoftenshortensthe.com
- maneminentforhis.com
- momentthepracticeof.com
- ofagreatdegree.com
- ofthealphabetif.com
- onlybeopposedby.com
- thatidealexcellencewhich.com
Partial list of domain names with leecheryl182@gmail.com as admin contacts:
- anypurposewhohave.com
- arrivedattheirutmost.com
- artwhichhemust.com
- bettercoursehavelong.com
- bystudyingtheseauthentic.com
- cannotdobetterthan.com
- easeandreadinessto.com
- farastheyshall.com
- faultifourprogress.com
- formedinitwhich.com
- fromthosewhohave.com
- gratitudeinouracademy.com
- intheirpupilsprobably.com
- inventontheirmethod.com
- itnearthemodel.com
- itrequiresnoeffort.com
- leastcontributetoyour.com
- makesnopretensionsto.com
- mannerofhandlingemulation.com
- politebeendoneby.com
- resultofnaturalpowers.com
- studenthassucceededin.com
- studentssooftendisappoint.com
- tocollectsubjectsfor.com
- whichnaturehasbeen.com