No Microsoft, you didn’t Bing It On.

First I saw the promoted Tweet in my feed:


Then it came down to this:

Bing lost to Google.

I searched for “Natalie Portman Ridiculous Movie” back in February 2011, and Google returned results that mentioned “Your Highness” movie.

Sorry Microsoft, you lost… this time…again.

It sounds less creepy saying “I’ll Google it” compared to “I’ll Bing it.”


Trailer for Hesher the movie is now available for viewing.

Let’s see:

  • Movie title in the style of classic Metallica logo, check.
  • Metallica’s “Battery” in the soundtrack, check.
  • Joseph Gordon-Levitt, check.
  • Natalie Portman, check.

According to, Metallica gave the filmmaker permission to use their music for the movie.

For some reasons the promo poster reminds me of certain Metallica record.

St. Anger, anyone? (Adobe Flash required. iPad, iPhone and iPoud touch can bite the shiny Metal Up Your Ass.)

Bing vs. Google: Natalie Portman Ridiculous Movie

I was having a conversation with a friend of mine about movies. In the middle of conversation my friend mentioned an upcoming movie with Natalie Portman. The title of the movie eluded us, the only thing my friend remembered was the trailer was so ridiculous.

Naturally I opened a web browser and search for the phrase: “Natalie Portman Ridiculous Movie” using Google Search. Lo and behold, the first link did have the title and the trailer for the movie “Your Highness” (warning, site requires Flash, that’s for you, iOS users!).

I was curious what the supposed Google Search rival, Bing, would give me if I searched for the same phrase. Not even close, no mention of “Your Highness” from Bing results.

For comparisons, I am using