Apple debuts new MacBook Pro models with Intel Core i5 and i7.

Apple finally introduces 15-inch and 17-inch MacBook Pro models with Intel Core i5 and i7. The 15-inch and 17-inch models come with nVidia 330M and Intel HD Graphics. Apple includes automatic graphics switching between the Intel HD Graphics and nVidia 330M. According to report by AppleInsider, nVidi confirms that the fast graphics switching is not Optimus technology.

13-inch MacBook Pro models come with nVidia 320M while still sporting Intel Core 2 Duo processors.

The 15-inch model is also available with higher resolution display at 1680-by-1050 pixels.

MacBook Pro at Apple Store

Image courtesy of Apple Inc.

Waiting for New MacBook Pro to appear on Apple Store today? Don’t hold your breath.

The rumor is still alive and kicking. Maybe this Tuesday Apple would release the new Core i5/i7/i405 MacBook Pros. Well, I’ve been waiting for the 72-core MacBook Pro for a long time. I’m due for a new Computer, and I want another MacBook Pro. The last purchase I made was 4 years ago when the first generation MacBook Pro was released.

OK, I have seen some Core i7 laptops and so far I am not impressed. HP Envy 15 is a disaster. No optical drive, horribly unusable trackpad and not worth the sticker price.

Come on Apple, where’s my Core i37 MacBook Pro? Yeah, the one with 73-core CPU.

You can go back to sleep now, and stop F5-ing the Apple Store page.

February 09, 2010 – Apple Store is Down for Updates.

Update: Apple introduces Aperture 3

It’s 4:00 AM and I’m still awake, don’t know why.

Anyway, Apple Store is down for updates. I bet they’re going to add the fabled 16-core MacBook Pro today…errr…that doesn’t really exist. I’m really hoping a Quad-Core MacBook Pro.

Based on the circulating rumors, Core i5 and Core i7 MacBook Pro is coming really soon.

Now, if only I could get that one company the salary they owe me, I could immediately buy the 16-core MacBook Pro.

MacBook Pro, The Quad-Core Dilemma.

I have been waiting since January 2008 to replace my original MacBook Pro Core Duo. I’ve written about MacBook Pro Early 2008 and MacBook Pro Late 2008 (also this) since then. Around August 2008, I stumbled upon informations on MacBook Pro with Quad-Core processors.

I had high hope that Apple would release Quad-Core MacBook Pro on “The spotlight turns to notebooks” event. The new Aluminum Unibody MacBook Pro is nice, but it is still missing the Quad-Core I really want.

I am using my Original MacBook Pro Core Duo to write this post; it is still a capable machine. I’ve done tons of video editing on this MacBook Pro. With a 7200 RPM hard-drive, this MacBook Pro Core Duo beats newer MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo with 5400 RPM hard-drive.

Yes it is still a great computer.

I was going to buy the new Unibody MacBook Pro on the first day it was available. For some reasons, there have been some kind of divine intervention that prevented me from spending the hard-earned dollars.

I do have the sense that the MacBook Pro would gain Quad-Core as an option around January 2009. It is based on my gut feelings, backed by some informations that I’ve gathered. I’ve been through this road before, and I’m sure that if and when I got the new Unibody MacBook Pro, the Quad-Core option would be added a few months after.

Decisions, decisions.