Catching Up: Firefox, iOS, Flash, Bad Religion and Slayer.

When was the last time I posted anything here? It’s been quite a while. I want to post them now but I don’t remember most of it. Anyway here I go again.

Firefox 4 Beta 3 is out. It adds multi-touch supports for Windows 7. Download it here.

iOS 4.0.3 is available for iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPod touch; some exceptions apply. iOS 3.2.2 is also available for iPad. It includes the fix for PDF security flaw that is currently being exploited to jailbreak iOS 4.

Flash 10.1 Gala for Mac OS X is officially released. It adds support for hardware accelerated decoding for certain GPU’s.

Bad Religion new album “The Dissent of Man” is due out on September 28, 2010. The single “The Devil in Stitches” is now available for purchase and streaming. Get it at iTunes Store or Amazon MP3.

Slayer kicked off American Carnage Tour on Wednesday August 11th, 2010 in Glens Falls, New York. The American Carnage Tour First Leg features Megadeth and Testament.

No for iOS 4.1 beta 3.

I tried jailbreaking an iPhone 3G running iOS 4.1 using and it failed. What does this mean? Apple might have patched the particular security flaw utilized by Some say that is exploiting a PDF font bug in Apple renderer.

I started the jailbreaking process @ 11:30 PM and 30 minutes later nothing is moving.

I call this a good news for iPhone users in general. Sure it stopped one method of jailbreaking but more importantly it closes a security hole.

I attempted the iPhone jailbreaking for demonstration purpose only.
Remember that Apple will not provide any supports for jailbroken iPhone, iPad and iPad touch.

Apple seeds iOS 4.1 beta 3 to Developers.

Just a week after the seeding of iOS 4.1 beta 2, Apple release the third beta of the upcoming iOS 4.1. Details are still scarce due to something called NDA; not to be confused with National Dart Association.

Apple has decided to pull Game Center off iOS 4.1 for iPhone 3G.

iOS 4.1 beta 3 is available for:

  • iPhone 4
  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPhone 3G
  • iPod touch 3rd generation
  • iPod touch 2nd generation

What is iOS 4.1 beta 3 performance like on iPhone 3G? We will find out soon.

Apple Seeds iOS 4.1 beta, no updates for iPad yet.

2:50 PM Cupertino Time, iOS Developer site seems to have problem. It might be hammered by developers trying to download the SDK and it iOS 4.1.

Game Center now requires iOS 4.1, it was previously included in iOS 4 beta.

Apple has just seeded iOS 4.1 beta to Developers for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPod touch 2nd and 3rd generation. No update for the iPad yet.

Due to this little thing called NDA, information is still scarce. Not sure what changes are added into iOS 4.1 yet.

Developers can grab te iOS SDK 4.1 and iOS 4.1 for their iPhone and iPod touch at Apple Developer Center. As usual, each device running iOS 4.1 beta must be provisioned.

Apple Store, Los Cerritos Grand Opening: The lines starts at 10:00 PM Wednesday night.

a few hundred people already in line by 11:30 PM.

Apple Store, Los Cerritos is scheduled for Grand Opening on June 24th, 2010 7:00 AM. Los Cerritos Mall Management informed that the line will start at 10:00 PM on Wednesday night shortly after the Mall closes. Lines are set outside the East entrance of the mall near the California Pizza Kitchen. More lines are set right outside the soon to be open Apple Store. The Grand Opening of Apple Store, Los Cerritos coinciding with the launch of iPhone 4 is scheduled from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM.

The first 1000 customers get a free commemorative T-Shirt.

Apple logo is property of Apple Inc.
Thanks to Los Cerritos Mall Management for giving the permission to take the pictures.

Apple releases iOS 4 for iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS and iPod touch.

June 21st, 2010.

Apple release iOS 4 for iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and iPod touch (2nd & 3rd generation) today. iOS 4 is available for download through iTunes.

Please download iTunes 9.2 before you try upgrading to iOS 4. Download iTunes 9.2 from Apple.

  • iPhone 3GS – iPhone3,1_4.0_8A293_Restore.ipsw 607.4MB
  • iPhone 3GS – iPhone2,1_4.0_8A293_Restore.ipsw 396.3MB
  • iPhone 3G – iPhone1,2_4.0_8A293_Restore.ipsw 306.3MB
  • iPod touch 3rd Gen – iPod3,1_4.0_8A293_Restore.ipsw 384.2MB
  • iPod touch 2nd Gen – iPod2,1_4.0_8A293_Restore.ipsw 330.3MB

iPhone 4 is scheduled for release on Thursday June 24th, 2010 at 7:00AM local time. The same day new Futurama episode airs on Comedy Central!