Rage Against Patent Troll.

On Friday May 13th, 2011 some iOS App Developers revealed that they are being sued by Lodsys for In-App Purchases and Upgrade Links. This lawsuit baffles many developers since Developers are using API in iOS SDK provided by Apple for In-App Purchasing. Lodsys so far is suing the Developers, but not Apple.

Adam C. Engst provided a great analysis on the matter.

It’s entirely unclear why Lodsys has chosen this approach — their lawyers have undoubtedly read the iOS Developer Program License Agreement and know that the iOS developers can’t settle. And they’ve chosen such small targets that there’s no way they could even cover their legal fees with what they could squeeze out. The only strategy that makes sense is that by targeting small developers, they put additional pressure on Apple to settle quickly.

Apple should respond to this lawsuit even though it is not yet directed at them.

In the meantime, this is what the iPad think about Lodsys:

That makes a lot of sense.

Tuesday Blues: Google I/O 2011, Microsoft Buys Skype, and Senate Hearing On Mobile Privacy.

It’s Tuesday and there are a lot of news coming.

Microsoft confirms Skype acquisition.
Some said that Microsoft were “tricked” into overpaying the acquisition. Om Malik brings up a few good points.

Google I/O 2011
Exciting event for Google Developers and Fans.
(Ed. – The message is: “People in the glasshouse shouldn’t throw the rocks.”)
Coverage by This is ny next.

Senate Hearing on Mobile Privacy
Apple and Google on hot seats regarding location data and privacy.
A Senior VP and a lobbyist testified. Guess which companies they are representing, respectively.
Coverage by This is my next.

Apple releases iOS 4.3.3 and iOS 4.2.8 to address issues with Location Data.

Following the Apple Q&A on Location Data, iOS 4.3.3 and iOS 4.2.8 are now available for download.

This Update contains changes to the iOS crowd-sourced location database cache including:

  • Reduces the size of the cache
  • No longer backs up the cache to iTunes
  • Deletes the cache entirely when Location Servcies is turned off.

iOS 4.3.3 (8E41) is available for:

  • iPad (iPad1,1)
  • iPad 2 (iPad2,1 | iPad 2,2 | iPad2,3)
  • iPhone 3GS (iPhone2,1)
  • iPhone 4 GSM (iPhone3,1)
  • iPod touch 2nd Generation (iPod2,1)
  • iPod touch 3rd Generation (iPod3,1)
  • iPod touch 4th Generation (iPod4,1)

iOS 4.2.8 (8J2) is available for:

  • iPhone 4 CDMA (iPhone 3,3)

The iOS update can be obtained primarily through iTunes.

South Park: Season 15 Episode 1 – “HUMANCENTiPAD”

South Park: Season 15 Episode 1 – “HUMANCENTiPAD”
Kyle is intimately involved in the development of a revolutionary new product that is about to be launched by Apple. Meanwhile, Cartman doesn’t even have a regular iPad yet. He blames his mother
Original Air Date: 2011-04-27

Note: SlingPlayer Mobile for iPad is awesome.

Watch “HUMANCENTiPAD” at South Park Studios.

Do not bother searching “South Park S15E01” on Google or other search engines, because “HUMANCENTiPAD” will be available for streaming on April 27th 11:59PM Pacific Time. Well, as long as you are using US IP address.

Preview “HUMANCENTiPAD” here (“Revolutionary New Product” – The HumancentiPad is introduced to the world.)

Please check back for more South Park Episode News!

“HUMANCENTiPAD” will be available for streaming on April 27th, 2011 11:59PM Pacific Time. You will watch it here (Flash Player required – if you want to watch it on your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad; you’re out of luck. Steve Jobs won’t let Flash on the iProducts. On the other hand, if you’re rocking Android 2.2 Froyo, you have Flash on your phone. If you have RIM PlayBook then you can watch the stream.) instead of downloading the episode from site like SouthParkFiles.com. By the way, Microsoft wants you to know that iPad sucks and do not buy it. Microsoft also says that whatever Microsoft is putting out will be light years better than anything Apple can ever release. You can watch South Park on the Non-Existent Microsoft device, but not on the iPad. Comedy Central urges you to not click on random links from some unknown sites. Instead you should watch it on your TV, SouthParkStudios.com or buy it!

From the Comedy Central Press Release:


NEW YORK, April 25, 2011 – The latest Apple product to hit the market is revealed in the 15th season premiere of “South Park” titled, “HUMANCENTiPAD,” premiering on Wednesday, April 27 at 10:00 p.m. on Comedy Central.

Kyle is intimately involved in the development of a revolutionary new product that is about to be launched by Apple. Meanwhile, Cartman doesn’t even have a regular iPad yet. He blames his mother.


  • “HUMANCENTiPAD” is the premiere episode of Season 15.
  • “HUMANCENTiPAD” at Wikipedia.
  • HUMANCENTiPAD refers to: iPad and Tom Six’s The Human Centipede. Wikipedia | DVD | Blu-ray
  • The elusive White iPhone 4 is rumored to be released the same day “HUMANCENTiPAD” premieres.
  • Yes it is Apple and Steve Jobs. Previously Steve Jobs appeared on “The Entity” (Season 5 Episode 11). Watch the clip here.
  • This episode is spoofing iPad and iPhone.
  • Four square and Foursquare.
  • iPhone/iPad location tracking debacle.
  • iTunes Terms and Conditions, do you read them?
  • Toshiba Handibook???
  • Best Buy.
  • Steve Jobs , President of Apple. Well, Jobs is CEO of Apple.
  • The Geniuses, spoof of Apple Genius.
  • Bean and Cheese Burrito.
  • Dr. Phil.
  • 69ingchipmunk@me.com or sixtynineingchipmunk@me.com.
  • Cuttlefish.
  • AppleCare.
  • “I Agree.”
  • In any case that you cannot watch any episodes of South Park at South Park Studios, please be patient, Comedy Central would be really angry if you downloaded the episodes from places other than Amazon.com and iTunes Store or any online stores that generate revenue for Comedy Central. Please do not go to sites such as SouthParkFiles.com to download any of the episodes. Just because you can easily download the episodes from sites such as SouthParkFiles.com, it doesn’t mean Comedy Central say it is right.
  • As usual, this episode will be available for streaming at South Park Studios following the premiere on November 17th, 2010. Uncensored version will follow shortly after.
  • South Park: Season 15 Episode 1 uncensored version will be available purchase starting April 30th, 2011 at Amazon.com and iTunes Store.
  • Stay tuned for more info.
  • I gotta rewrite the template for South Park Episode Announcement. This one is getting old.

Public Service Announcement:

This episode will be available for streaming after the premiere on April 27th, 2011 11:59PM Pacific Time at South Park Studios. Flash Player is required even though Steve Jobs calls it a dying technology. Forget about watching the stream on your iPad. Which is really ironic since you might be able to watch it on your personal HUMANCENTiPAD.

Comedy Central Airing Schedule for South Park: Season 15 Episode 1 (Eastern and Pacific Time)

  • Wednesday April 27 2011 10:00PM
  • Thursday April 28 2011 12:00AM
  • Thursday April 28 2011 10:30PM
  • Sunday May 01 2011 11:30PM
  • Monday May 01 2011 02:30AM

Comedy Central strongly urges you not to download the episode from any sites such as SouthParkFiles.com or any other South Park related sites. Remember that unauthorized download of South Park episodes hurts Comedy Central and South Park team. It is very very wrong to download South Park Episodes from sites like MrTwig.net, because Comedy Central would have to wait for another 2 months to get gold plated shark tank installed in their lobby. Instead, Comedy Central would like you to purchase the episode from vendors like Amazon.com or iTunes Store.


Apple releases iOS 4.3.2 and iOS 4.2.7.

Apple releases iOS 4.3.2 and iOS 4.2.7 today.

iOS 4.2.7 is for iPhone 4 CDMA model:

  • Contains the latest security updates

iOS 4.3.2 is for:

  • iPhone 4 (GSM model)
  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPad 2
  • iPad
  • iPod touch (4th generation)
  • iPod touch (3rd generation)

Fixes in iOS 4.3.2:

  • Fixes an occasional graphics glitch on iPod touch (4th generation)
  • Resolves bugs related to activating and connecting to some cellular networks
  • Fixes image flicker when using Apple Digital AV Adapter with some TVs
  • Resolves an issue authenticating with some enterprise web services

WordPress 2.7.2 for iOS is now available.

WordPress 2.7.2 for iOS is now available at iTunes App Store. The update includes:

  • Fixed crash when the password had a space, on comment moderation, plus 7 more.
  • Several bugfixes.
  • Use blavatars instead of favicons.
  • XML-RPC fix for self-hosted blogs. (Note: if you were unable to use 2.7.1, you should be able to use this version!)

WordPress for iOS team also revealed the new features for version 2.8:

The most important to-do in the 2.8 road map is Localization. WordPress for iOS will now become much more accessible for many users. 2.8 will also introduce a Stats view (finally!), a Quick Photo button, as well as a few more nifty improvements.

WordPress for iOS will finally have Stats View just like its Android counterpart.

iOS 4.3.1 is now available.

Apple releases iOS 4.3.1 for iPhone 4 GSM, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 3rd & 4th generation, iPad and iPad 2. The update is said to include the fix for 2011 Pwn2Own Safari bug and some others. iPhone 4 for Verizon/CDMA is still on iOS 4.2.6.