How much would an iPod touch with 3G service cost?

Apple is reportedly making iPod touch with 3G service. How much premium would 3G connectivity would add to the cost of the iPod touch? iPad with 3G is priced $130 higher than the Wi-Fi only version. Would Apple add $130 to the price of iPod touch with 3G? Would people pay for the extra $130?

I haven’t heard anything about iPod touch with 3G from my Apple contact. That doesn’t confirm nor deny such product would be released by Apple.

No, Apple did not plan for iPad 3 release in 2011.

We received a note from our friend in Cupertino:

“I laugh every time I read the rumor about iPad 3 to be released in Fall 2011. The fact is that Steve Jobs made it clear that iPad 2 would be the iPad for 2011. Someone definitely had been eating up the false information. There will be a new iPad in 2012, that’s for certain.”

Take it with a grain or a boulder of salt.

Upcoming: iPad 2 Shell

I’m still in the process of looking for iPad 2 shell that would work with Apple’s own Smart Cover. I have purchased a few of them ranging from $7 to $30. Some are good, some are OK and some are below standard.

It will take me another week to go through them and decide which one I would use as well as recommend.

Dear Lodsys, Payback is a Bitch.

FOSS Patents blog reports that ESET, the maker of NOD-32 Antivirus filed a declaratory judgment action against Lodsys with the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California.

Lodsys recently gained notoriety for filing lawsuits against seven iOS Developers for in-app-purchases and in-app-upgrades related patents. Apple then filed motion to intervene on Lodsys Patent Lawsuit. A Michigan company named ForeSee Results Inc. is seeking to invalidate Lodsys patent portfolio.