Glutton for punishments.

My colleague and I were talking about the new iPad and whether or not any of us pre-ordered one. Well, both of us did not order any for ourselves. Apple is now quoting March 19th, 2012 shipping date for new orders. Knowing my on-again-off-again pseudo Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, I would want to get one on March 16th while my expert-at-procrastinating-self was too lazy to order one on Wednesday March 7th, 2012.  Then there’s the Logic-driven part of me that said I don’t need to get the new iPad. I can always wait rather than spending minimum of $600 on something that is not a real necessity.

A part of me is a glutton for punishments and it is a real problem. I might ended up going to an Apple Store on March 16th and get a new iPad. Maybe it is a good excuse to give my friend a call if she wants to be mutual enabler to our obsessions.


What Would Apple Do?

Apple, with Tim Cook at the helm has just announced its latest iPad on march 7th, 2012. As always, any Apple announcement is followed with cheers from the die-hard fans and criticism from the detractors.

A few criticisms on the iPad announcement hone in on the naming of the iPad, the slogan and the color of Apple log at the announcement. It all can be summarized into one sentence:

Steve Jobs would never approve this.


How do they know?

Do they actually performed some kind of seance to communicate to the late Apple co-founder and get his definite opinion? Maybe they hired a psychic named Shawn Spencer, thinking that he’s a real psychic.

During Steve Jobs memorial service at Apple headquarter in Cupertino, Tim Cook said:

Among his last advice he had for me, and for all of you, was to never ask what he would do. “Just do what’s right,”

It is irrelevant if Steve Jobs would approve or disapprove what the new iPad name is. Apple is doing what they think is right.

Pundits are disappointed because it is not iPad 3 or iPad HD.

It seems like a joke, but there are several pundits who are insinuating that Apple is on the road to ruin because it is not iPad 3 or iPad HD. The sad part is that these pundits are getting paid to write such nonsense. It is the same situation when Apple opted to use the moniker iPhone 4S instead of the much expected iPhone 5.

It is funny how these same pundits did not criticize the ridiculous naming system from other phone makers.

There is no need give these over-paid logic-impaired some page hit, thus I opted not to link to them. It is pretty easy to search for them.

It has always been simply called iPhone.

Has everyone forgotten that the iPhone has always been simply called “iPhone”?

Marketing-wise, there are:

  • iPhone
  • iPhone 3G
  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPhone 4
  • iPhone 4S

Of all the 5 generations of iPhone, every single one of them has simply “iPhone” printed on the back. No “iPhone 3G”, “iPhone 3GS”, “iPhone 4” or “iPhone 4S”. Apple sees iPhone and iPad as a long term business. It doesn’t feel right to have some numbers attached to a product name. “iPhone 12” looks and sounds ugly. Historically Apple has been naming its product with a single name with some added descriptions. Of course there are exceptions to the rules such as PowerBook G4. The iMac bears the same name since its first introduction back in 1998. It went through several redesigns but still retains the same name. Apple TV is another example. Totally different product between the first and the second generation but carry the same name.

The next iPhone may have the nickname iPhone LTE or even iPhone 4G LTE to differentiate its new feature. When it’s actually released, one name will be printed on the back: iPhone.

All in the name.

Apple is doing away with the numbering on iPad, much sooner than the iPhone. “The new iPad” as Apple would call it at today’s event just like it is introduced at Apple’s home page. A few days ago I wrote:

Apple is that kind of company who would not call the next iPad by the name iPad 3.

My source always said “the next iPad” instead of the much-assumed moniker “iPad 3”. I then knew that Apple will drop the numbering on the iPad and iPhone. I had similar conversation regarding the next iPhone. Many kept asking me about “iPhone 5” which is actually iPhone 4S. I told them that there will be no iPhone with “iPhone 5” moniker. I firmly believed that the next iPhone will simply be called “iPhone”.

One thing I got wrong on today’s event, is the usage of “Retina Display” term. Back in December 2011, I truly believe that Apple would not call the new iPad display a Retina Display. Then again, my source never once used the term “Retina Display” in lieu of high resolution display.

Come Fall 2012, I will find out if I was fed the correct information on the next iPhone; maybe Apple will simply market it as “The new iPhone”.

Retina Display is the new 4G.

Apple has done it!

The term “Retina Display” is the new 4G; just a marketing term.

From GDGT live report:

“There are 264 pixels per inch in this display, and that’s enough to call it a Retina Display. Why is that?”

“You may recall that with an iPhone held at a normal distance your retina can’t discern individual pixels. When the iPad is held at a normal distance [15-inches] it’s the same result.”

That’s basically saying the new iPad has to be held 15-inches away, if not Retina Display won’t be in effect. A lot if not an overwhelmingly majority of people hold the iPad closer than 15 inches.

I thus claim that my TV has also has “Retina Display” because no one can see the pixels when they are sitting at least 10 feet away.